Forty-Six (Scars)

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~Previously on Addicted~

"Shadow-Shadow has her. He's going to kill her."

"...he said that he was going to go to the tallest building around here and he was gonna drop Rose from up there."

"Maybe Rose is already dea-"

"Don't you dare say that word!"

"...You know what? I'm going by myself. I don't need any fuck boys getting on my way."

Please let Rose be fine.

"It's all over. Shadow is gone."

She stops breathing.
Harry's POV
Two days have passed. Two days since Rose stopped breathing and I took her to the hospital. Two days that she hasn't said a word at all.

Today is the first day of therapy for Rose. Even though I know she won't say a word, I still want to know what's going on with her...

"Mr. Styles." I hear a woman's voice come from behind me. I turn around and I see Rose next to her therapist.

"Yes?" I answer, walking towards them. Rose walks by past me and takes a seat on a chair at the corner of the waiting room.

"I need to talk to you... in private." She says, lowering her voice so Rose doesn't hear us. I nod before following her to her office.

When we're in I close the door. "Do you know what's wrong with Rose?" I ask her as she takes a seat on her chair.

"Well by all the information you gave me I think I know what is going on with Rose." She says, taking a break in between.

"She is going through a trauma. The action that happened to her while she was captive by this Shadow man you told me, has affected her. I don't know what happened to her but it was serious enough to make her stop communication with others."

I still don't know what serious thing Shadow did to her but it's all over, she shouldn't be like this because Shadow is gone.

"It's different with each person." She begins to speak again. "With her it was something so strong that she shut down on herself. She can't communicate, and she has shut down her mind."

I swallow hard. Thinking about this makes me scared and shallow from the inside. If I would have listened to Rose and not gone off wanting to get rid of Shadow, none of this would have happened.

"How long will it last?" I ask, really hoping it will only last maximum of a couple of days.

"It depends. Some people last for days even years. Some stay like this... forever."

My heart sinks. Having the though of losing Rose like this is what scares me the most. Not listening to her laugh or talk, not seeing her smile or even argue with me by some stupid thing.

I just don't want to lose Rose.
Rose POV
~One week later~
I'm staring blankly at the wall. I couldn't hold myself up today so I stayed in bed.

Ever since Shadow kidnapped me after he hit Harry on the head, I haven't said a word. It's not that I don't want to talk, its just that I can't.

After Shadow hit Harry on the head with his gun, he put all of them in a van, while I was chained up.

When he came back he took over me. He started doing things with me. He touched me, and then would abuse me.

I can still feel his hands trailing up my thigh, resting in between my legs. He striped me and the rest of his gang would also have fun.

He would then grab a rope and tie it around my neck, wrists, and ankles. I would have rope burns from all the pulling he would do. And every time he smoked, he would burn out his cigar by pressing the tip of it against my skin.

He would hit me, throw me, and even kiss me, but I wouldn't kiss back, so he would hit me if I didn't.

I was abused.

I was raped.

"Rose I'm home." I hear Harry shout from the front door. Like always I don't move, or say a word.

The door to the room opens, and Harry smiles. "Hey babe. How have you been feeling." He asks, sitting down on the edge of the bed.

I don't even smile, I just can't.

"Rose. This is killing me. Please answer me. Please tell me what happened."

I still don't answer.

All of this shocked me. He's never going to understand why I can't talk. My mind doesn't work the same as it did before, but I will never forget what Shadow did to me.

Standing on the top of that building, and having thoughts in your mind saying this is it, this is how your life is going to end isn't something you want to go through.

I shake my head as a response. I want to talk, but I can't find the strength to do so. I can't.

"I will stay here Rose." He gets closer to me, about to touch me, but I move away. I don't want anyone to touch me.

"I will protect you from anything, and anyone, because I love you, and I need you." His final words came out slow, and low. He stands up, and plants a kiss on my forehead before leaving the room.

A tear rolls down my cheek.

I pull up the sleeve to my shirt, and I stare at my wrist. I look at my freshly cut scars that I did on myself this morning.

I don't want to live anymore...
Serious shit just got started, it's only the beginning. Love you all!

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