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I will be posting a new Fan Fiction 😁 It will be a Niall Horan Fan Fiction and it's called Wallflower. I will be updating every Friday or maybe every two to three days. It depends if I don't get slap across the face with school work. I really hope you enjoy it.

Please vote and comment! I love you all 😘

~Previously on Addicted~

"What the fuck are you doing here-"

"You better stay away from Rose."

"This is a battle between Harry and I... You could have died today Louis."

I'm back and stronger than ever -Shadow

Rose POV

You know that feeling that you get when fear shoots through your body, and it feels like you're getting colder and colder in the inside? Well that is how I'm feeling right now. I feel like ice crystals are forming down my body, covering me with a sharp pain of fear.

I slowly put the piece of paper down; looking around to see if I don't see anything else. I take a few steps back, hitting the edge of the night stand.

My breathing gets faster, and before I know it I hear a sharp deep scream. It looks like it came from Louis. I run out of my room, finding him on the doorway to his room. He takes a step back to let me see what's inside.

The walls to his room are stained in red hand prints. I take a few steps closer, scanning the room deeper. The shade of red is too deep to be paint, but perfect to be blood. I feel like fainting, but I have to be strong now.

"Who. Did. This?" He says in between breaths, I can see that he is starting to gain speed in his breathing.

My head is spinning, beating in a pace where the colors in my sight start to fade away, draining away from the world. I quickly walk out of his room, I start to run but I fall down on my knees next to the kitchen island. I close my eyes, trying to calm myself from everything around me and inside of me.

I start to take deep breaths, counting up to ten and starting all over again, and again, and again until everything starts to get back to normal.

I slowly stand up, and I see Louis next to me, helping me get up.

"Are you okay?"

I nod, not wanting to say a word because I'm scared I might panic again. He helps me sit down, and gives me a small smile as in everything is going to be okay.

"Don't worry about me," he begins to speak. "I've been through worst. Plus I bet it was jut some kids that broke in trying to pull a prank on us-"

"No. It's Shadow." He looks at me confused before taking a seat next to me. I take a big gulp before looking away. "He's after me."

"Wait who's Shadow?" He asks with his voice a bit lower than before.

I feel like I'm being watched, but I guess I'm just paranoid. All of this is too much. I feel like if I play with life too safely then the game will beat me, but if I play the game to hard then I will miss a lot of things. There isn't a perfect way to live life, but I wish I had a way to know what to do so I don't have to go through things like this.

"Shadow is a powerful man. I though he died but I guess he didn't. I don't know how in the world he was able to survive, but I feel like I won't last in this world any longer." I can feel goosebumps forming on the surface of my skin like boiling water.

Louis shifts around in his seat, but then stops. "Why is he after you?"

Why is he? Why is he after me? Is it because I own money and I left his gang a long time ago?

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