Twenty (Rose's past)

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No one is home yet and half an hour has already past. I called Melissa and she said that she went to Armani's house for a while. The door bell rings and I walk towards the door. When I open the door I was expecting to see Melissa or my mom but instead I see Harry. I close the door but he stops it with his foot. He is wearing a white t-shirt so it makes his tattoos visible from underneath. I examine his neck tattoos that are picking out from the collar of his shirt. I take a deep breath and I roll my eyes. I cross my arms and I don't look at him.

"Can we talk?"

"I don't want to talk to you Harry. You hurt me with the whole drugs thing and you didn't even defended me from what Niall and Zayn said about me. And then I found out that you switched my pills..."

"Wow. I didn't switch your pills. I never even looked at them." I stare at him with a puzzled look. By now the rain has already stopped and the humidity is starting to rise. I open the door even further and I can feel the cool air from inside escape.

"Yes you did. You were here the other day like in three in the morning and you hated me and you still do now. Of course you would switch my pills. And then you wrote in my locker with the whole "snitch bitch" thing." He stands a little taller and before he says anything else I continue.

"And now you're here in the doorway to my front door. So what? Are you going to say the rest of the things that you were going to say before I left?" He takes a step closer to me and looks at me in the eyes.

"I just wanted to say that Im sorry. But if I knew about your past then I would know a little more about you."

"You really want to know about my past?" He nods. I walk inside my house and he follows. I close the door behind him and I walk towards the living room. I sit down on a leather couch right across from him. He stares at me, waiting for me to start talking. He starts to bite on his lip ring piercing while still looking at me. I relax my body making it easier to breath.

"When I was fifteen I was addicted to something. Drugs. I was so addicted, and if I wouldn't consume any kind of drug, I would go insane. I was in a mafia where I sold drugs. One day a guy wouldn't pay me the full price for the drugs. He gave me ten bucks instead of ninety. He then got mad at me and he put our business out. I got so mad at him and I was psycho back then that I almost killed the guy. The police then found out and they put me in a mental hospital. I was there for about two months and then they put me in rehab. I was so addicted that I had to be there for almost a whole year. When I came clean they let me go home. A couple of months later I went back to drugs. I got back to the mafia I was with but instead of only selling drugs I also turned into a prostitute. I would sleep with guys for a hundred bucks. And I would then sneak out in the morning before he would see me and I would steal the rest of his money from his wallet, and if he had a credit card I would steal that too. Once when I was stripping in front of a guy for money, he was so drunk that he pulled out a gun and pointed the gun in my face. Before he shoot me I kicked him in the balls and I took the gun from him. While he was in the floor rolling around with his hands in between his legs with pain, I shot him. Twice. I then escaped from the window because we were in a hotel room, and if the cameras would see me getting out of his room, they would find out I was the one who killed him. The next day everything was on the news. They never found out who was the one who killed the guy, but I felt really bad, because the guy had two little kids, and they didn't have a mom. The kids ended up in a foster house, one of them was five and the other one was seven. It was a nightmare. How would you feel if one day you wake up and you see in the news that your dad got killed and you don't even have a mom. I started going insane again because I got depressed. I started cutting myself in a point where I had more cut skin and dried blood in myself then life. My mom then put me in a hospital where they take care of people that can't take care of themselves. It wasn't a mental hospital but it also wasn't a place where everyone goes. In there they found out that Im bipolar. They helped me get treatments and when I came clean again, my mom switched me to this school. Since I moved I made a promise to myself. And that was to never turn into the person I was before. No matter what happens ahead of me in life." Every single word that I said was true. That was my past that I have been keeping inside of me. The past Niall and Zayn where laughing about. Harry stays still, like if he saw a ghost pass by him. It feels good to let everything out. To finally tell someone other then the therapist I have to visit about once a month. He still doesn't move, he keeps on staring at me.

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