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(Sorry that I haven't updated in a while, I couldn't find time to write. But I will try to update a lot.) -WaleskaRomo
Song for this book: Change my mind from One Direction.
Rose's POV
I walk up the sidewalk right after Harry joins Adayshia, and Niall. He walks a little, with his hand on his right rib. When Niall turns around I spot a bruise on his eye, and the corner of his lip has a cut. Maybe they hurt them selfs while boxing. Louis stares at me, not paying attention to any word that comes out of Liam's mouth.
I keep on walking straight with my head down low. The rain has calmed down, with only really small rain drops falling. I bump against someone, almost falling down against the slippery wet floor.
"Watch were you're going..." I look up to see that I bumped into Aaron.
"Oh sorry Rose. It was my fault." Im mad at Aaron for not telling me about canceling the "date".
"Why did you canceled? Are you trying to play with me? Because if you are you won't get anything from it..."
"Wow calm down Rose. I couldn't because I'm going to be busy all night. We can go someplace next week." He walks away with a small group he was with, not even turning around to say sorry or something. Sometimes I just feel like beating people up, but people already think Im a psycho and thats enough. I don't want them thinking I need to go to a mental hospital or something. I walk towards my first period class, where he would be at.
Its already time to go to science. This is actually the first time where I don't want to skip because Harry is in my class.
Im seated down in my desk as usual before the bell rang. Our teacher made a few sitting arrangements, so now Harry sits next to me.
"We're going to do some partner activities today. I want you to pick your partner, and sit next to each other. The activities are in the back counter. So get started." I don't look around the room because my eyes could maybe find Louis. Harry slams a pencil on my desk, with a couple of worksheets. He checks his phone, before he pulls up a chair to sit next to me.
"I guess we're partners." Harry sits down, and takes a look at Louis before looking at me.
"Why does he keep staring at you?" He asks. I know he doesn't care why, but I bet he just said that so there won't be an awkward silence in between us.
"He has a crush on me. I guess he keeps looking at me so I would talk to him. I kinda let him down, and I feel really bad." I grab a pencil from my backpack, and I write my name on the top corner of the worksheet. Everyone starts to work except Harry and I.
"You guys would be perfect for each other. You're both nerds, so why not go for it?" Harry raises his legs on top of the desk, leans back, and folds his hands together behind his head. I push his legs off the desk, making him almost fall down from his chair. I roll my eyes, and I continue my work.
"If you continue rolling your eyes they will roll right out of your head." Harry writes his name next to the word name and next to the word date he writes no thanks. I giggle by the fact that he was making a joke about it when the word date means the day that you were working on the sheet.
"It asked if I wanted a date, so I wrote no thanks," He acts dumb. I like this type of Harry. The funny not rude kind. The kind that doesn't act like a jerk to entertain himself.
I let out a small laugh, before Harry turns around to look at Louis, which is now looking like jealousy is eating him alive. Harry looks back at me, maybe trying to get permission from me.
"Don't Harry. Its okay just ignore him, plus he's not doing anything bad that will affect us." I whisper to him, low enough so only Harry can hear.
"If he has something to say then he should say it." Harry purposely raised his voice, loud enough so almost half the class could hear, including Louis. Harry stands up quickly enough to make his chair fall down. He turns to face Louis, which is now alert that Harry could strike in any second like a snake full of venom.
"Stop staring at her you creep. Say what you want to say." Harry growls at him. Louis takes me off guard by standing up to face Harry.
"I know you just want her to open her legs for you. And after she does that you will break her heart, with all your strength." Harry takes a step closer to him, but the teacher goes in between them.
"Now I know why Rose let you down when you told her you loved her. Your worth nothing to her." Louis tries to punch Harry, but Harry reacts faster than him. The teacher holds Louis back, and a tall blond guy from our class tries to hold Harry back too, but Harry is too strong for him. Louis tries to fight back again, but my eyes staring at him make him stop.
"Im sorry." My mouth only moves not making any sound come out. I can see hurt on him, from his eyes getting watery. I left when he told me he loved me, breaking his heart in a million pieces. By the way he looks at me I can tell that it will be like that forever.
Your heart is like glass. If you hold it, it will be fine, but when it falls it breaks. Thats how your heart is. When someone breaks your heart there is no way it can be fixed. Now, you can tape or glue the pieces of glass back together, but you will still be able to see the cracks in between each piece. You can put the million pieces of heart back together, but you will still be able to see the cracks in between. And those cracks are the memories of people that hurt you, the people that caused your heart to break. Thats how Louis heart is right now, broken with all the crakes showing because of me. I could of just said we could only be friends instead of running away. If I were to be him I wouldn't even be able to see the person that hurt me, he's trying really hard to not break into tears.
Both of them manage to calm down before the bell rings. Everybody walks out of class, rushing out with their backpacks on their back, and the talking gets louder in the hallway. I try to catch up with him, but Harry grabs me by the arm.
"You're not going to chase after him right?" I want to go after Louis, but in the same time I feel like he should have some space, to process what just happened.
"I don't know." I half lie. Louis deserves to know why I stopped talking to him.
"Actually I am." Louis is already out of class, walking through the halls maybe thinking of how a horrible person I am.
I run out of class and through the hallways, bumping into people, and shoving them. I spot Louis brown hair, with his blue horizontal striped shirt. I try to touch his shoulder, but people that are in between him and me don't let me pass.
"Louis!" I shout over the loud sound of people talking. My heart starts to beat faster the more I try to catch up to him.
"Louis!" I shout again, only that this time he turns around. His eyes land on mine. He starts to walk in the opposite direction as the rest of the people in the hallway are. He walks towards me, and I walk towards him. When he's close enough I grab him by his forearm, and I pull him towards in between the water-fountains.
"Im so sorry about not talking to you, and about the whole Harry thing at class..." A pretty brunette walks towards Louis, grabs his arm, and gives me a sweet smile. She's tall and skinny, with her hair on one side of her shoulder in a fishtail.
"This is Eleanor Calder... my girlfriend." His words shock through me, grabbing me off guard.
She is so beautiful, with her bright smile that only caring people give. He looks at her, like giving her a sign that he needs some privacy.
"I need to go catch up with someone. I didn't get your name, what is it?" I'm so proud for Louis to have found that someone that will make him happy, but how did he do it so quick.
"Its Rose Young." I bring myself back to her question. She holds out her hand, and I shake it. I try to reflect her smile that's on her face, the one that can make you happy when you're sad in a heartbeat.
She gives Louis a last smile before walking away, blending in the crowd. Louis smile fades away, dissolving slowly as he turns his head to face me. I look at Louis with a serious face, trying not to scan the crowd to find Eleanor.
"Why didn't you tell me about her, do you know how bad I feel right now?"
"I've been wanting to tell you, but its just that I haven't found the right time or words. I have known her for a very long time, and ever since that thing that happened at the coffee shop I thought to myself that I should move on. She started hanging out with me when she noticed I was sad, and now we're this." The corner of his mouth is curved up, making a smile show on his face.
"That's what all the staring was." He adds. "I couldn't find the words to tell you, and I thought it would be a little awkward."
"Well I am really proud for you. By the way she smiled, and how you two looked at each other was like watching a romantic movie." His cheeks blush a little, with his eyes shining like a fairy. His eyes move from my face to behind me. I don't look back, but by the way his face forms into a really nasty frown I can tell its not good.
"Here comes Harry. His hair is so messy looking that now I know why people call him Harry." Louis makes fun of Harry, then walks away to catch up to Eleanor.
"I told you not to talk to him. Why are you so stubborn Rose?"
"Im not stubborn Harry, it's just that you're not the boss of me." Harry passes a hand through his hair to keep things calm inside of him.
"This is why I go boxing instead of taking my anger out on people."
I cross my arms. "What did I do to make you mad?"
"You did a lot of shit Rose." I try to keep things calm, so I think of funny things to say back.
"Hey. What happens in the bathroom stays in the bathroom." Harry tries not to laugh, but fails.
"Wow. You're unbelievable. I meant shit as shit, not what comes out of your ass." I laugh, because people stare at us like we're insane. Harry looks at them, and gives them faces to warn them to walk away.
"We're still going to the boxing thing tomorrow right?" I change the subject.
"What's tomorrow?" He looks a little scared, which is weird.
"Tomorrow is Saturday. Why?" His eyes go wide.
"I only have till Sunday." He whispers to himself while looking down to his black leathered boots.
"What?" He looks up to me, and shakes his head.
"Nothing. I'll see you then." He walks away, leaving me with questions in my head.
School is over, and Harry is waiting for me in the corner of the front entrance. He's talking to Aaron, Niall and Zayn, making them laugh, until their eyes land on mine. Harry's back is facing me, but when they stop laughing he turns around to look at me. I stop walking, take out my phone, and pretend to be doing something. I lean against the cobblestone wall, until I notice that I have a text message from Melissa.
Melissa/ Mom hasn't been feeling well, maybe it's because of the baby. I need you to come home as soon as possible.
Rose/ Is she going to be alright?
Melissa doesn't answer so I make my way towards Harry. When the guys see me walking towards Harry they start to walk away.
"There's going to be a party at the beach today. Its an invitation party only but they told me I can bring someone with me. Wanna come?" I start to think about Melissa's text about my mom, and I know I shouldn't go to a party knowing that my mom is feeling bad.
"I don't know if I can, it all depends on my mom if she feels better." The small breeze hits Harry, making his smell go to me. He smells like weed and smoke.
"Have you been smoking?" I lower my voice so no one can hear me but him.
"It wasn't me. Niall was blowing clouds at my face." I know he's lying because his eyes are red. I take out a small bottle of eye drops from my backpack, and I hand it to him.
"If the school security sees you like this you will get into a lot of trouble."
"I thought you stopped too."
"I did but I always kept that in my backpack for this type of cases." I take his car keys from his hand, walk towards his car, and I get in. He follows me while putting a drop in each eye, then opens the door to his car. He gets in, and I gives him his car keys back. He turns the engine on and waits for a few seconds. He blinks several times and opens his eyes wide. He looks over to me, to hand me the eyedrops.
"Are you mad at me?" He asks while I take the bottle of eyedrops from his hand. I don't answer, because I am mad at him. I don't want him to keep on using drugs. The more I see him putting shit in his body the worst the feeling inside of me gets. I care about Harry, and seeing him like this is killing me more then the drug itself to him.
"Rose, life is about creating yourself not finding yourself. I created myself to be like this, so that means nobody can change me, but myself."
"I know Harry! I know that no one can change you but you have to understand that I don't want to see you in a hospital bed one day because of a stupid decision." Im breaking into tears already, but the harder I try to push them back the more they come. I wipe them off, while he drives out of the school parking lot. The pressure in the air around us starts to get thick, like being in the same room with someone while your mad at them. He doesn't say anything, just continues driving faster and faster.
There will never be a conversation with Harry and I that doesn't end with a fight. I never fought with anyone in my whole life before, except with Melissa when she wouldn't give me the TV remote or when she would eat my food, but that's it.
I stare at the beach that's almost next to us. I look at the kids running around or making sand castles with their shovel and bucket. I images walking down the beach, the breeze blowing my hair back with my baby brother or sister on my arms. Their small fingers brushing my face, or sticking them in my mouth while I walk.
"Why do you care about me?"
"You're a human Harry." I start to say, not leaving my eyes away from the beach. "I'm a human, and we're all here for the same reason, to live life. Every human has to help each other, so they don't go to the wrong path of life. Some people have already made bad decisions and has leaded themselves to the wrong path. But you're young Harry, and there's still enough time to bump yourself up to the right one." I look over to him, but he doesn't look back. I take a deep breath as I look back out the window. I close my eyes and I imagine myself getting my feet wet by the salty beach water.
I wake up inside of Harry's car while parked in my driveway. I let out a yawn, while I look around to find Harry. He's outside on the phone walking around in big circles with a worried face.
"Did he actually say that I can have an extra week?" I pretend I'm asleep so I can continue hearing him.
"So I have until Wednesday instead of Sunday?" Who is he talking to, and what is he talking about?
"Great! Now I have more time to gain her trust. I'll talk to you later." I close my eyes shut before he walks towards my side of the car and opens the door.
"Rose." He whispers to me while rubbing my arm. I pretend to wake up from him calling my name, and I give out a fake yawn, but he buys it. I sit up, and I rub my eyes, to make it more realistic.
"How long have I been sleeping?"
"For almost twenty minutes." His phone rings, but he doesn't pick it up, instead he gives me a fake smile.
"Why so long?"
His phone rings again. "I was talking to someone..."
"Go ahead. Answer." I interrupt him. He walks away, takes his phone from his front pocket, then answers.
I get out of the car, walking up the steps to my front door and I sit in the small bench to wait for him.
"Rose is watching me box tomorrow." The fact that Harry still remembers what we're doing tomorrow lights up a small spark inside of me. The sun is still high up in the sky, with the sky clear clean with no clouds. The trees lean as the wind hits them, and the breeze blows my hair to one side of my body.
Harry hangs up, walks up to me and sits next to me on the bench.
"You're going to watch me box tomorrow right?" I remember that I was mad at him in the car, but I don't know if I should continue being mad at him. I mean he has been doing drugs when I specifically told him not to, and I even told him my past to give out a good reason. But am I being over dramatic, it is his life, should that mean that he should continue doing drugs if he wants to? Maybe if I hang out with him more I would be able to gain his trust, that way it will be way easier to convince him to stop doing drugs.
"Yeah. I will go watch you boxing, and I will also take that offer to go to that beach party today." I feel like I'm using him, like if I'm betraying someone, but actually I'm helping him.
"I'll pick you up at eight." He walks away, before I get in the house. Im going to have to be really nice to him to gain his trust, or the plan will be ruined.

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