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(Im really happy that my books are getting a lot of views. Thank you, and Please Vote. And also if you follow me I will follow back. And if you write books or you read a book thats really interesting comment, and I will go and check it out. And if you don't understand a part of a chapter on my books then comment, and I will answer back. My best friend also writes books so go check them out at maniij Thanks again.)-WaleskaRomo

My parents get home at about nine pm. With Melissa. I don't feel bad for her because she deserves it, but something inside of me tells me that its wrong to be mad at her, but I push that feeling back.

When they get in Melissa hands them her phone, and then rolls her eyes at them before looking at me. Her eyes are like lasers, they burn into mine, worst then they did yesterday. I can see some sadness behind them also. Its a type of sadness that doesn't want to be shown. She walks by past me then goes upstairs. I start to follow her so I can go to my room, but my mom stops me.

"Not so fast. Your father, and I want to speak with you." I grew up with parents who have manners, so I have learned to talk, and behave like one. They lead me to the living room, and we sit down on the couch. My parents sit down on a couch thats next to the window, and I sit in one thats across from them.

"We know that you were the one to call the police," My mom starts. "Now. We are not mad at you because you did the right thing to stop a party with underage drinking. But you should have called us before calling the police." My dad leans forward to grab my moms hand. He rubs his thumb on the top part of her hand, and my mom gives him a small smile. Thats what I love about my parents. They have always thought me, and Melissa that love doesn't have limits. And if you really love someone, then you should show your love for them.

"That doesn't mean that there wont be any consequences for your actions." My dad says, while still holding my mom's hand. My looks at him, and he nods a little.

"What type of consequences?" I ask. I already know what type of "consequences" they are talking about, but I just wanted to ask.

"Well you will be grounded for two days."

"What? Two days?" I say with a confused expression on my face.

"What? you want more days..." My mom starts to say.

"No. Its just that I thought that you weren't going to ground me. I thought you were going to make me do something." My dad looks at me with a puzzled face.

"Well we didn't wanted to ground you for a long time, like we did to your sister because we know you weren't any part of the party. But you knew about it, and you didn't tell us," My mom speaks for my dad. I'm not mad because I know I should have told my parents, and I ruined their vacation to Florida, so I keep my mouth shut.

I stand up, and I look at my parents before saying anything. "Can I be excused to go to my room? I need to go finish some homework." They both nod, before my mom stands up too.

"I'm going to go make myself some tea. Do you guys want some?" My dad stands up and walk towards her.

"Yes dear. Some tea would be lovely right now." He says in the same time I say "no thanks". I go upstairs, and I enter the restroom to wash my teeth, and face. I look at myself in the mirror, and my scar near my eyebrow has completely faded away. I grab my tooth brush and tooth paste. I put some on my tooth brush, and I start to brush my teeth. When I was done, I bend down towards the sink so I could spit out. When I look back up at the mirror Insee Melissa standing there behind me. I gasp.

"Sorry I didn't mean to startle you." She says. She looks really tired, like if they beaten her up or something.

"What do you want." I say while wiping my mouth with a towel. I put my hair up in a messy bun, and I take a step back so I can lean towards the wall.

"I just wanted to tell you that it maybe was Harry." I look at her with a puzzled look, and I get off from the wall.

I cross my hands in front of my chest, before talking. "What are you talking about?" She rolls her eyes and sits on top of the counter sink. I let out a deep breath, and she clears her throat.

"About the pills. Remember that the doctor said that you didn't have any medication in your body, which leads to the pill switching thing. Harry maybe switched them. I mean he does drugs, and maybe he wanted them so he can sell them for money." I don't believe Melissa. Not any word that cames out of her mouth, but what if she is right. I mean I could have died if Melissa weren't there to take me to the hospital, and all he ever did was hurt me.

"How are you sure..." Melissa throws her hands up at the air, and stomps her foot at the floor.

"Oh come on Rose. Who are you going to believe? Your twin sister which is me? Or Harry? The one you don't know anything about." I really can't trust any of them at the moment, but if I had to pick, I would pick Melissa.

"And how do you know if it was him?"

"Look I know Harry. I know what he's capable of, but you don't. So trust me, I think it was Harry."

"Look. Maybe your right, or not. I really need to finish my homework if you don't mind." I walk out of the restroom, and into my room. I close the door to my room when I got in and I lay my back against the wall. I force myself to roll down the wall, and I cover my face in my knees. I don't start to cry, but I feel like it. I feel like crying, but what is there to cry about. If every time I cry when something bad happens to me then what am I going to accomplish. Im only going to accomplish to have puffy eyes from all the crying. So I bite my lips, and I hold my tears back. I have to be strong now.

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