Chapter 49

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Phew! That was a close one. I was really worried I won't be able to update today.
These past days have been soo busy and hectic for me.
But I'm glad it's done.
This chapter is longer than the previous one. Nearly 6000 words. it in 2 sittings if you want.
Enjoy ☺️

Inarah's POV,
I was soo numb.

I tried to open my eyes but they were too heavy. Lights flickered through my eyelids and the blurring image of Mom came into view. Was she crying?
Why? What's wrong with me? I was moving limbs were still.

Mom.... don't cry please.... don't be sad.

A mother's love is truly incredible. Whenever her child gets hurt....she feels the pain. How is that? Because, we are connected during birth?

I feel empty for some reason. As if, a life that was connected to me....has disappeared!

Heena's POV,
I flickered open my eyes and slowly took into my surroundings. I was in a white room and it was cold. Ah! The AC was on. How very pleasant!
It smells nice too. Like flowers. I lifted my hand to rub my sleepy eyes and....there was an IV drip needle inserted in my veins.

I was in a hospital?!

Just then all the horrendous memories came gushing on to me.

Fear..... deadbodies....blood....

I screamed anxiously sitting up.

"Heena... my baby! You're awake!!!" Mom hugged me crying and trembling hysterically.
"Oh my baby.... I was soo scared!"
Mom sobbed kissing all over my face.

For a minute there I forgot about everything and hugged her crying equally hysterical. I thought I'd never get to see her again.
Even Dad rushed in and hugged us both. I felt soooo relived as if I was alive again.

After the emotional reunion,

"Mom.... Inarah's in this hospital too right? And....and Asad? He saved us but...b...but he was hurt too. Is he ok?" I asked desperately shaking her with whatever little strength I had.

Mom and Dad sat beside me holding my hands and kissing over it trying to calm me.

"That man... he's out of danger now. He's under sedation."
She said with a serious face.

I sighed relived holding my heart.

"And Inarah?"

At my question the way thier face changed into worry frightening me.

" Inu ok? Mom...."

Nagma's POV,
Hearing the doctor's words gave me a huge shock and my heart ached for my baby girl.

"M.... miscarriage? My daughter was.... pregnant." I couldn't comprehend her words.
"But....she never told me....or anyone else." I said more to myself than to her but loud enough for her to hear I think as she answered...

"It's not her fault. She wouldn't have known either. It had hardly been 3 weeks." The doctor said.

Tears fell freely down my eyes making me unable to stand when my dear son Emmad held me making me sit.
"My baby.... Oh God!"

"Please don't break like this Mrs Malik. Your daughter is fine now. When she wakes up...she has to find out too, because now we have injected her with some painkillers but, when it wears off she'll be in a lot of pain again. You need to be strong enough to tell her and handle her that time too." She comforted me with a hand on my shoulder.

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