Chapter 65

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A devastating earthquake struck in the outskirts of the city, in a small village. It ate up everything. Houses, land, animals, food....and even people. Not a few but not many survived either, a lot of people got injured and were taken to the hospital out of which many died too. The government announced that they'd send help but it was too late till they could reach to the aid.

Reaching the dismantled places they found many children who had by now turned orphans as most of the parents lost thier lives protecting them. Such children were rather.... distributed to various NGOs and orphanages 'sponsored' by various politicians. Of course, impressing the people by showing off thier 'big hearts' was a fine way to get votes afterall.
No one cared what happened to them after. Just a few pictures for the news papers and some scripted shots for the news channels and....done!

Just like that a young boy around the age of 8 was brought into the orphanage. He was too thin and feeble. He always kept quiet and had his head down. Hence, he became an easy target of bullying. The older children teased him, hit him and even stole his share of food but he said nothing. Just silently beared it all. That boy never cried either....all he wanted was to be invisible.

HE tried to ignore it the best he could. Days passed and he would just walk away ignoring what happened in front of him to that boy. The boy was around his age and a couple times he did wished the boy would just ask for help but his eyes seemed lifeless. The authorities didn't gave shit what happened to the children. They were providing them food, clothes and shelter and they should be grateful with just that, that was what the children were told.

But one day, a time came when he just couldn't take it and he dared to interfere. He punched the big bully right across the face as his own body trembled with fear and anger. A terrible brawl broke between him and the tough guys while that boy who was already on the floor watched with horror and awe how a random boy was fighting for him.

At the end He was on the ground with swollen face and bruises all over his body along with the boy beside him who was just gawaking at him with wide eyes. He was soo frustrated that he fisted the boy's hair making him wince and made him look dead in his eyes as he grunted like a hound.

"What the hell are you?! Why do you let them bully you? Are you some kind of pervert who loves getting beaten up?! Why don't you raise your thick head and fight them. Why don't you scream at them you coward? Why don't you ask for help?! Answer me!!"

"Because I deserve it!"

Hearing that He went silent and his grip slowly released from his hair as he watched that boy perplexed. It was the first time he heard the boy's voice which was shaky and full of pain and self-loathing.

"I.... deserve it all. I need to be punished." The boy trembled with his head down holding back his tears.

"Why? Why do you think you're soo worthless as to bear such humiliation? What do you think those bastards are Gods? They're as damned as we are and they just like to take out thier frustration on a weakling like you." He stated sternly.

"Because.... I should've been the one to die ...." His voice was a broken whisper.
".... that day, I didn't listen to Ammi and run away when the ground was shaking. They were at a safe distance but.... I couldn't move. I was soo scared.....and the roof collapsed.... I should've been the one to be crushed underneath but....she....."
Huge drops of tears fell from his eyes meeting the dusty floor as he recalled the horrifying scene.
"....she ran to me and hugged me. Her head was bleeding....she must've been in pain....yet....she smiled and pushed me out....and...and then.... everything fell.... I couldn't see was all soo dusty and white..... I couldn't even hear her scream....then Abbu ran to save her and....he never came back either....the people dragged me away from there as I cried and screamed one saved them....they died because of me.... I.... killed them...."

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