Chapter 12

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I plopped down on the soft grass, far away from the extravagant splendor of Saheb's massive mansion

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I plopped down on the soft grass, far away from the extravagant splendor of Saheb's massive mansion. It felt so darn awkward, you know? Been here for three days now, and I got no clue about my friends. Are they okay? Have they eaten anything or found a place to sleep? And here I am, living the high life, eating the best food ever, sleeping on a plush bed, and wearing clothes I couldn't even dream of. But why is Saheb treating me like royalty? I'm just a regular kid!

I lay back, letting the cold, green grass cradle me, and closed my eyes. The sun warmed my eyelids, and for a second, it felt like home... at least a tiny bit.

Then out of nowhere, the warm sun disappeared, replaced by a chill shadow. I opened my eyes to find this tiny fairy hovering above me. She had these big, mesmerizing honey eyes and smelled like something sweet.

"What are you doing here, my friend? Sleeping on the ground isn't a good idea. Your clothes will get all dirty," she inquired, blinking like she was curious about everything.

'I've been living in dirt like this my whole life,' I thought, but she probably wouldn't get it. She's probably lived in a fancy castle or something.

I sat up quick, shooting her a glare, but she just stood there, innocent as ever.

"I'm not your friend!" I retorted, trying to sound tough.

She didn't say anything. Annoyingly, she followed me like some lost puppy. I turned to her, getting frustrated, and she had this mischievous grin on her face, showing me her tiny teeth.

"Why are you following me? Go away, shoo shoo!" I protested, trying to shoo her away with my hands.

But she didn't leave. Nope, not one bit. She turned back to me again, giggling like it's all just some fun game. Ugh, I tell you, this rich brat attitude of hers was really starting to get on my nerves!

"You're so funny. I like you. Let's play more!" she exclaimed, jumping up and down, clapping her tiny hands like it's the best idea ever.

"Go away! I don't like rich, annoying kids like you! Leave me alone!" I snapped at her.

Well, she flinched, and I saw this hint of a frown on her face, like she's about to cry or something. I mean, who cares, right? But deep down, I kinda felt guilty, but I brushed it off and walked away.

Would you believe it, she kept following me like I'm her new best buddy. So annoying! I stopped, and she bumped into my back. I turned to her, even angrier this time.

"What do you want?"

And you know what? She goes and wraps her tiny arms around me, and I froze. Who does that?

"You shouldn't be alone... being lonely is sad... and sad is bad. Sad makes you cry. Inarah won't let her friend cry. Inarah won't leave her friend lonely. Inarah will make her friend smile... happy, happy! Inarah will always stick to her friend like this..." she declared, hugging me tighter and looking up at me with those big, innocent eyes. No one's ever looked at me like that before.

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