Chapter 48

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Verrrryyyyy looonnnnggg chapter
5,400 words 😲

Inarah's POV,
Asad has joined forces with Dilshad?! That man has tried to abduct me. Zayaan even killed his son. Asad was in it too then.... why?

My head was spinning unable to grasp all this at once. I've known Asad almost as long as I've known my Zayaan.... he could never do such a thing. Then what changed all of a sudden...

You're soo smart....Bhabhi!

Bhabhi? Asad called me bhabhi?

I'll never call you that, beautiful.

Is it.... some kinda sign? No! But I want to believe in this possibility even if there's a 0.99% chance of it.

"Inarah Zayaan Hashmi! It is my utmost pleasure to finally getting to meet you.... officially that is." Dilshad said like a gentleman gluing his eyes on me. Then he turned to Asad.
"I should thank my dear friend here who granted me the honour to make your acquaintance." He smiled.

I scoffed.
"Dear friend eh? How enticing!" I said dripping sarcasm.
"Watching the 3 of you villains standing together I must say you all have been friends for quite sometime."

He chuckled.
"Indeed we have. I mean Leena and I..." The old geeser went to her pulling her into him looking at her lustfuly making me gag.
"...we come a long way. Although, Asad here became a good friend quite recently."

Asad smirked.

"And you're calling us villains? Sweetheart, the real villian here is your dear husband. Zayaan Hashmi. Do you have any idea what he did to my dear son?"

He stepped forward leaving the whore as he wiped his invisible tears.

"He deserved it after what he did to those innocent children...and by one look at you I can say an heartless monster like you didn't even give one shit about his own son. So you let him die! Hiding like a rat in a hole." I snarled.

"Hahahaha. You're right. I never did care about him. That child just wanted recognition from his father so he was ready to do anything for me. Such a useless emotional fool.
Awww! You care about those street rats soo much? Why? You are a princess! You shouldn't be bothered about those biological wastes. They were useless trash anyways. Atleast by getting thier limbs cut off they served some purpose of filling our pockets thanks to generous fools like you."

The audacity of this fucker enraged me. I feel pity for Imraan aka Rahil too. And I couldn't believe Asad was just listing to his bullshit!

"No you are the biological waste here Dilshad! Those children were innocent whom you ruined because of your shitty mentality. You know what, you should be the one to be crippled and thrown on the streets to beg. Then you'll feel the pain of those innocent souls! And my Zayaan will be here soon doing just that for you." I smirked.

He laughed throwing his head back.
"How can he come here when he doesn't even know where you are? He still thinks his wife is resting peacefully in her mansion."

He's filthy eyes then roamed on both of us lustfuly.
"The rumours were right. You 2 are beautiful as they say. I can earn a fortune by selling you 2. And I can't wait to see the look on your husband's face when he finds out that his own friend....his brother betrayed him and his lovely wife has disappeared."

I thrashed at the restraints as I wanted nothing more than to cut off his head right now.

"Beautiful? What's beautiful about those 2? They're nothing compared to me!" Leela said looking down at us spitefully as I glared back at her. I couldn't even bare to see Henna who was still in such a shock unable to speak.

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