Chapter 4

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I flickered opened my eyes. My body felt heavy...numb. Where was I? The smell... it was like medicines, it didn't smell like the slums. I was laying down on something soft. Not the hard floor of my hut. My vision was getting clearer.

Was I in a hospital? So this is what it looks like?!

A man in a white coat stood beside me with a pen and a wooden board. He was writing something.

"Kidhar hai... apun?(where am I)"

"You're in a hospital. You fainted so this man brought you here." The man in the white coat informed impassively.

I looked to my other side and a man seemingly in his early 30s walked in sliding the curtains. He had honey-colored eyes and a warm smile. He was fair and looked like a Sahab(rich man).

"Hello, beta. How are you feeling now? You must be hungry, no? Don't worry...those men chasing you are gone now. The police caught them. My name is Ashfaq Qureshi and I'll take care of you." He smiled in such an assuring way that...after 2 years...for the first time, I smiled too.


Inarah's POV,
We were to attend a company party tonight. I chose a designer red laced cocktail dress and high heels to wear. As usual, the Qureshi group's party was the talk of the town. Many hotshot businessmen and celebrities were invited.

I wasn't surprised as most of the eyes were glued to me

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I wasn't surprised as most of the eyes were glued to me. I was used to it...and also used to all of their words about me.
Being the young and beautiful corporate heiress of The Qureshi Group! The company belongs to my late Father who was murdered by a mystery man. Yep, I was used to hearing that for the past 12 years now. However, saying that it didn't bother me in the slightest, would be a white lie.

Dad introduced me to one of our major shareholders.
"Hello, Mr Sahai. How are you?" I greeted most formally shaking his hand.

That middle-aged freak eyed me from top to bottom holding my hand tighter than he should. I wanted to roll my eyes but resisted and pulled my hand back.

"Look at how beautiful you've grown up to be." He chuckled.

"Thank you, I hear that a lot." I smiled.

"You do, don't you." He chuckled unnecessarily.

"Such a beautiful girl like you should be a model or an actress. Why waste your beauty and time behind office walls and working? You have all the money in the world. Young girls like you like to spend it all on makeup and fashion. Do you think you'll have time to handle such a huge company with your delicate hands? You should find a rich, good-looking man and get married to him instead of wasting your beauty." He commented slyly. My hands closed in a fist as I tried to put on a smile controlling my temper.

"Our Inarah is not just a pretty face Mr Sahai. She's smart and capable...." Dad, the Chairman began but I interfered.

"Mr Sahai. I don't know what you know about beautiful girls of the past but today's generation is a lot more different than your imagination. We aren't interested to use our beauty to woe rich successful men anymore. We are more than capable of reaching success on our own accord. As for the company, I was born to take over it and no one can be better than me to take it where it should be. Today, Qureshi Group is at the top of Asia... Inarah Qureshi is capable of getting it to the top of the world. And I don't need my beauty to do that, I'm smarter and more capable than any of your good-looking men who lose their composure at the mere sight of a beautiful girl, and put everything to ruin with a snap of a finger.
As for fashion... Inarah Qureshi was born with a Midas touch. Whatever she touches turns to gold. Its value increases and people swarm like bees to it. Don't worry Mr Sahai, I am my father's daughter. When I take over, the company would be at the top of the food chain." I asserted smiling and he was visibly regretting ever saying something to me, as he cleared his throat looking uncomfortable.

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