Chapter 28

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Zayaan's POV,
I turned the bedroom door handle, but it was locked, so I knocked.

"Not yet! Just a minute, Love," Inarah yelled from inside. She had been repeating that for the past hour. I gave up and headed to Asad's room instead, to change out of these overly fancy clothes, opting for something casual from Asad's wardrobe. He's definitely going to throw a fit though.

Finally, the door was unlocked. As soon as I opened it, a whiff of roses and aromatic candles filled my nose. My jaw dropped at the sight of a path lined with candles and rose petals. The dark room was illuminated solely by the soft glow of the candles.

Did my Inarah do all this? When?

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Did my Inarah do all this? When?

I walked through them and reached the bed which was again decorated with rose petals and formed with the words LOVE. I smiled.


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Wait hold on a minute!
Is this all what I....think it is?
My heart started pounding with fear and anticipation. Also, as I looked around, she was no where to be seen.

"Inarah?" I called out to her.

Suddenly the bathroom door opened and my eyes almost popped out of thier sockets. My whole body went still as I saw the.... world's most sexiest women in front of me.

My heart pounded even more erratically, and my mouth went dry. She stood before me in black sheer lingerie... through which almost nothing was hidden.

"This is your main surprise, Zayaan. The main present I've prepared for our anniversary.... Me!" She uttered in a slow, seductive voice, leaving me gaping at her in a spellbound daze.

She strode towards me, her eyes locking with mine as my blood heated up in my veins with each step that brought her closer to me.

Who is this? She's not my sweet, innocent Inarah. Who's this sexy seductress?

I gulped as she stopped just inches away from me. By now, I could hear the rhythm of my own heartbeats and the pulses coursing through my veins.

"How did you find your surprise?" She whispered, leaning closer to my ear, causing my eyes to close in response to the velvety softness of her voice.

Gunshot Through My Heart (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora