Chapter 50 (new)

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I was about to publish 2 chapters on coming Thursday but I thought as I hadn't given an update last Thursday I'll just do it today.
Are you ready for the new turn in Aseena's love story?

This chapter is all about them 😁

As you all remember I said I'm changing the plot of part 2 so this chapter starts right after ch 49 right after Inarah finds out she had a miscarriage and Heena rejected Asad. Please go through chapter 49 if you're confused.

Also, check the chapter titles before reading please. I'll be marking them as (new) or (edited) only all the chapters that I'll change.


Heena's POV,
After 3 days of being cooped up in our hospital rooms, dealing with our own emotions and traumas, Inu and I finally got out in the open. I'll be discharged by tomorrow but Inu had to stay for a couple more days still. She was happy that she'd be marrying Zayaan again that too with everyone's blessings but at the same time the emotional and physical pain of losing a part of her ownself inside her wasn't something she could get over soo easily.
Yet that stubborn girl knew how to smile.

How does she do that? How does she love a human being soo dearly that she could always manage to smile just thinking about him no matter what shit she went or is going through?

My Inarah's heart is like a complicated mystery novel to me. Everything's right there in front of me like an open book...still I can never really figure it out.

"I wanna eat a dozen of donuts and a whole cake by myself." She said abruptly as we walked bare feet slowly, hand in hand along the soft grass in the hospital's garden.

I Chuckled
"What? Seriously babe?"

She giggled.
"You looked soo serious, I wanted to make u laugh. But, it's not a bad idea right?"

"No, it's not bad. It's terrible!" I snapped and smiled as she pouted.

"I'm bored of this bland hospital food. You're lucky you can escape tomorrow." She whined

"Hey, do you think I can live in peace with you here? I'll come visit till you get discharged and stay with you all day." I assured her

"Aww, how sweet babe. That's why I love you!"

"I love you too. And there's no way I'll leave you alone.....who knows what trouble you cause if I'm not around." I said amused, waiting for her reaction and her mouth opened like a fish as she hit me.

"How mean!"

I laughed.

I helped her sit on a bench as she winced touching her stomach momentarily and I sat beside her.
"You ok now, babe!"

"Yep! Healthy as a horse!" She raised a fist grinning and I just watched her seeing through her lie.

"Babe, don't look at me like that. I'm really ok."

My eyes pricked at the dread of tears as my heart felt heavy and I just threw my arms around her.
"I'm sorry.... Inu.... How do you do that? How are you soo strong and... forgiving? I wish... I could be like that too."

I was in awe of her, yet a bit envious.

"Who said my Heenu isn't strong? She has been strong enough to protect me all this time. Right now, she's just taking a power here." She said and broke the hug pointing to my heart.

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