Chapter 30

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Inarah's POV,
My third stage of training began with Uddhav and Wafeeq. They handed me a prop knife, similar to the ones used in movies, to start with. As for my pending second kiss with Zayaan, he had suddenly left for a business trip to Germany with Dad, leaving me eager for his return and our "practice" session.

Wafeeq, with his cocky demeanor, showed off some impressive tricks with his real dagger. "Bhabhi, don't worry, I'll turn you into a complete expert within a week," he assured me. Then, in his typical playful manner, he referred to Uddhav as a "nincompoop," earning himself a head smack from Uddhav. Their banter entertained me, and I couldn't help but giggle.

"You guys get along so well," I remarked, still amused by their interaction.

"No, we don't," they both chimed in simultaneously, contradicting my observation.

Curious about their origins, I inquired about how their gang was formed, admitting that I had never asked Zayaan about it.

They exchanged glances before Wafeeq spoke up, suggesting we sit down and discuss it over snacks after covering some basics.

"Sounds good to me," I agreed, eager to learn more.

"Snacks? Now I'm already hungry," Uddhav declared, rubbing his stomach.

Wafeeq playfully smacked him on the head, prompting Uddhav to curse while rubbing his head.

Clearing my throat, I redirected their attention. "Let's start with basic defense, then," I suggested.

After the enlightening training session, we gathered in the living room to enjoy some indulgent, fatty snacks. Raghav, the twins, and I were joined by Uddhav and Wafeeq, along with an assortment of delicious treats like pizza, nuggets, fries, and samosas. Despite my usual health-conscious habits, I decided to indulge in a cheat day and enjoy the scrumptious spread.

Curiosity got the best of me, and I turned my attention to Raghav. "Raghav, how old are you?" I inquired as I wrestled with a slice of pizza, trying to manage the stretchy cheese.

"I'm... 19," he replied, his words muffled as he spoke with a samosa in his mouth.

"Wow, you're quite young. How did you end up joining Zayaan?" I asked, genuinely curious about his story.

He looked at me with surprise, his eyes widening like an owl's. "Uh... sorry. Did I make you uncomfortable? You don't have to share if you don't want to. It's just that Uddhav, Wafeeq, and I were discussing how the gang was formed, so I got curious," I explained, feeling a bit sheepish.

"No, it's okay. I'm just surprised you don't remember," he said.

"Should I?" I responded with a nervous chuckle. How could I possibly remember the details of his initiation into the gang or his past?

"Well, how would you? You've saved countless lives over the years; it's understandable that you wouldn't remember," he said, a warm smile on his face.

I tilted my head, giving him a puzzled look. "I... uh... don't get it, dude," I admitted, feeling a bit lost.

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