Chapter 68

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The Past : part 1
(Year 1995)

A crowd of curious students gather around the college gate to check out the Porsche that halted outside. Their eyes glued at the backdoor that opened and a tall muscular guy in super expensive and stylish clothes stepped out. His hazel eyes glowed in the sun and his dusky front parted hair like that of Leonardo DiCaprio. His entire being resonated arrogance and that smirk on his face that said, 'you can never be better than me' had all the girls around swooning and guys frowning.

His threw his bag over his shoulder and gazed around, his smirk growing. With one hand pompously in his pocket and another around the strap of his bag, he began to walk towards the college building when....

"Haider! Oye Haider! Wait for me yaar!"

He turned around towards the source of the voice shaking his head.

Another handsome guy was running towards him waving at him from a distance. His face split into a huge grin, his honey colored eyes sparkling with liveliness and excitement and his deep black hair all puffy like that of Sharukh Khan. His clothes seemed average but his handsome face and boyish charm made up for that.

"You're late again today, Ashfaq? And why are you covered in sweat like you ran mile?" Haider raised an perfect eyebrow at him scrutinizing him from head to toe.

Ashfaq chuckled throwing his arm around his friend who was half an inch taller than him.
"That's because I missed my first bus.... and then.... I had to run from the bus stop to college." He explained while catching his breath.

"The bus?! Seriously! Your father bought you a car just last week. If he finds out you took the bus again, he'll be pissed."

"Comeon!" Ashfaq said with a casual wave of hand.
"He won't be pissed with something he wouldn't know. Infact, when is he not pissed with me." He made a face.

"If you start acting more like the son of a successful business and not some middle class boy from a chawl, then he won't be pissed at you." Haider snapped at him to which Ashfaq shushed him.

"I want to lay low." He whispered.

Haider rolled his eyes and they both walked to their class listening to Ashfaq's adventures of riding the bus on the bumpy roads and meeting new people.

They were both friends since their school days and were both the only sons of the upper-class households. Both their father's were rich businessman and someday these son's of theirs were about to take over the family businesses. That's why they had both joint IIM mumbai for MBA and today was the first day of college. The day when their lives were about to take an interesting turn....for better or for worst.

The beginning of the end....

Ashfaq watched as almost all the girls had their heads turned towards both of them, especially gawking at his best friend.

"The ladies man as always huh?" Ashfaq nudged Haider.

"Well, if you've got it then why hide it?" Haider smirked and then looked at the  small group of girls who were waving at him. There weren't many girls of course. In the time and age when girls their age chose to get married and have 5 kids, these handful of girls from rich families were here probably to find another rich husband or to pass their time.
"I think I won't be going home tonight." His smirk grew.

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