Chapter 18

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Zayaan's POV,
I came back quite late after my meeting and decided to jump straight to the shower to wash away my fatigue.

"Oh... you're back love?"

I stilled and my heart and breathing raced as I saw, my wife sitting up on the bed groggily from her disturbed sleep. Her hair slightly messy which she was fixing by running her fingers through them, the belt of her camisole slipping down her shoulders, her cleavage showing a bit extra as she moved. Her long bare legs landing on the floor exposed by her shorts and I got a momentary shot of her navel as she pulled her arms up to stretch all while her body glistened in the dim lights of the room. She could hardly keep her eyes open and she rested her hand on her either side as she smiled at me her most beautiful sleepy smile.

I gulped.

"Yeah." My voice was hoarse.

"You must be tired. Should I get you anything to eat or drink?" She asked.

I cleared my throat finding my lost composure
" I already had dinner, just need a shower." I said and tearing my eyes away from her... intensely seductive body, made my way to the washroom.

Damn it! I can't share the same room with her. It's too dangerous. I'll get my things shifted tomorrow in the other room....and, I can't sleep on the same bed with her tonight either. I calmed my raging breath and discarded my clothes getting under the hot shower.

Inarah's POV,
The Nikah papers were finally here. Asad, Wafeeq and Ridhwan were the witnesses from his side and Heena and her parents were from my side. Mom clearly said she'd never come for this and Dad just agreed with her too. It was a bit sad but, I know someday I'll win her over too. Heena too agreed reluctantly after giving me a good pestering for an hour straight and a good enough beating too. Ouch!

We both signed the papers and hence, we're husband and wife in the eyes of law too. Mr and Mrs Khan hugged me with a worried face. I was like a second daughter to them. Heena was still looking at Zayaan and Asad like she'd pounce and tear them open any moment now.

"It's ok... I love Zayaan. So you don't have to worry and he's the only person in the world who you can trust on to never hurt me." I told them smiling as they explained to me about thier concerns in private.

"Alright then, now that we're officially married...why don't we all celebrate this happy occasion. Let's go out for dinner tonight." I announced enthusiastically.

Everyone around looked tense except for Asad, and Wafeeq of course who were ever ready to party.

"Oh come on you guys.... pleeeeease..." I pulled my puppy face on Heena and Zayaan and as usual they had to fall for it.

I booked us all a private room one of the 7 star Khan hotels.
(A/N: I hope you guys remember the Khan hotels 😜)

(A/N: I hope you guys remember the Khan hotels 😜)

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