Chapter 10

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Zayaan's POV,
I punched him as he fell on the floor at the impact and I sat down on his chest choking him with one hand as I threw punches on him one after the other.... non-stop.

He dared to touch my Inarah...He made her cry......he took her away from me..... he's gonna marry her....that fucking bastard.

"Bhai stop.... he's already dead!" I could hear Asad from behind but I couldn't comprehend his words. Blood that was spilling from his nose and mouth covered my bruised fists and my t-shirt. It wasn't enough...

"Zayaan stop it already....."

"No....this bastard needs to pay..." I growled like a madman.

"Zayaan stop! HE'S NOT ABID!" Asad finally yelled and pulled me off of him by my collar.
"Come back to your senses!" He yelled in my face.

Still breathing heavily, I looked down at the man who I killed.... he wasn't Inarah's fiance. He was just a drug dealer selling drugs to high school kids.

I robotically made my way out through the limp bodies that lay on the ground covered in blood.
"Bhai, we found these drugs that they were hiding. It's heroin, marijuana, and cocaine." Ubaid said holding a big bag in his hands.

"Burn it!" I ordered and he nodded proceeding with his work. Asad and Rajiv followed behind me.

If I even accidentally get my hands on that low-life bastard Abid... I don't know what I'll do!

I need to distract myself if I don't want to go crazy...

Inarah's POV,
"Mom please....try to understand! I can't marry him." I implored my mother with tears. Something that I never thought in my wildest dreams that I'd do.

"Why? So that you can go back to that Zayaan of yours?" She said spitefully.

"Mom trust me. Our Zayaan is way better than that scumbag!" I exploded.

"Language Inarah!" Mom yelled.

"Sorry...but that's exactly how I can define him. Do you even know what he did to me?!" I said in a shaky voice as that horrible night's memory came to me making me feel filthy again. At that time, I really wished I was born ugly and into a poor family instead.

"What kind of magic that man put on you?! First your father and now you? He's a gangster...a murderer. It's just because of your father that we have to bear with him....we even made him the CEO because he was capable and now, he's aiming for my daughter for what? To become the chairman?!" She raged.

"Mom .... he's not like that. love for him is pure and true Mom." I sobbed.

"Yeah right! That's why you were sleeping in his arms for the past 10 years behind my back!"


"Inarah enough! You're going to marry Abid and that's final!" She announced without even sparing me a look. Tears trickled down my face but she ignored them all. Why is she soo cold-hearted? It's the first time I'm even crying and begging in front of her...yet she's ignoring me?!

"Why do you hate him soo much Mom?! What has he ever done to you?! You aren't even ready to hear or even look at your daughter. Zayaan isn't the only reason why I don't want to marry Abid....he... he's a terrible person. Heck! He isn't even a proper Muslim Mom! Didn't you once say that we should marry a person who'd take us closer to Our Lord?! He's miles away from the Lord himself... how can he take me closer? That night, he lied to you about taking me to dinner. Instead, he took me to a nightclub and....and misbehaved with me Mom.... he...he touched me, Mom.... I hated it!" I cried.

Gunshot Through My Heart (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora