Chapter 63

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Geeta's POV,
I was nervously pacing the dressing room.


I was soo scared. I can't do it. What if I mess up? What if everyone laughs at me? Worst! What if Uddhav hates it?!

I was almost about to throw up because of all the nervousness.

"Geetanjali Mishra calm down!" Dia grabbed my shoulders startling me out if my thoughts.

"Dia.... I can't do this. I'm sorry." I said panicking.

I couldn't breathe.

"Shh...calm down. Take deep breath. Breath in....breath out ....yes... that's right." She said in a soothing tone.

I did as she told me and I felt a bit better.

"I've never done this before. And why are there soo many people outside?!" I said almost in tears.

"Oh God Geeta. Don't cry..." She smiled wiping my tears with a soft tissue.
"There's a first time for everything. Being nervous is normal. You've worked really hard and you can do this! And don't worry about the audience, just concentrate on the one you're going to perform for. No one or nothing else matters then. Ok?"

I nodded. I was doing it for Uddhav. "But I wonder if he'd even come. He's in a bad mood since a few days and when I asked him about attending the function, he sternly said no."

"He'll come. Raghav said he'll bring him any cost. You trust him right? So don't worry." Shweta assured me.

"Dia. You're soo amazing. I wish I was as confident like you."

She smiled.
"Geeta, this has nothing to do with confidence. Everyone one feels nervous and till the moment you began, you always feel a ball in your stomach, but one you start all goes away. All your hard work reflects in your performance and you just go with the flow forgetting about everything." She said. Then her tone became playful.
"As for you dear, you have a special someone who'll automatically make you forget everything right?" She nuged me.

I nodded blushing.

"Alright then... let's get you doll up and make you even more pretty. You're husband is waiting for you."

Uddhav's POV,
"I'm not going!" I announced sternly to Raghav.

"But why? Come on Uddhav bhai! This is our first college function. We're all soo excited. Don't kill this excitement with your sulking." He said giving me that puppy face.

Geeta too meekly invited me for the function but I said no. I'm in no mood of attending any mass gathering. And why should I? So that they can make fun of me for my condition and make fun of Geeta too? And I bet she would hardly even pay attention to me. She has friends there right? Why would she even bother with her broken husband?

"Bhai, ok. I wasn't supposed to say this but.... Geeta bhabhi has prepared a huge surprise for you. So you have to come at any cost."

"Huh? What? For me?!"


I couldn't believe it. Is he fooling me?

"What surprise?"

"That.... I can't tell you or else it would ruin the surprise. So come on get ready." Raghav announced.

What kind of surprise can she arrange in her college...that too for me? No way. He's just tricking me to make me go with him. I know him quiet well.

"I'm not interested in any surprises! Leave now!" I said sternly.

He just stared at me without a word.

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