Chapter 6

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Saheb(sir) took my hand as we stepped out of his big car. My mouth fell open when I saw a huge palace in front of me. Beautiful like in fairytales.

"Saheb...are you some kind of Maharaja (king)?" I asked him looking up at him.

To this, he chuckled and ruffled my dusty hair.
"No beta. I'm just an ordinary man. But I do have a queen and a beautiful princess. You'll meet them soon." He said squeezing my shoulders.

"Papa...papa..." Just then I saw a little fairy running towards us. She ran spreading her little arms like wings shining like a star and wrapped her wings around Sahab as he lifted her in his arms.

I couldn't stop looking at her.

"How's my princess? Did you miss Papa?"

"Yes... sooooooo much." She spread her wings again.

"Oh wow! Now give Papa a kiss." He chimed and she kissed his cheek. Her big honey orbs stopped at me.

"Papa... who's this?"

"He's... your new friend."

"Yaaaaay... Papa brought me a new friend..." She smiled showing her tiny milk teeth.

"Would my princess like to meet her new friend?"

She nodded excitedly. As he put her down, she walked towards me with tiny feet. I froze completely.
She then spread her wings again and engulfed me in them. She didn't care how dirty or torn my clothes were or how I was bruised all over. She just lifted her head from my small chest and giggled.

"Will you stay with me forever, my friend?"

I couldn't help but smile...


Zayaan's POV,
We were in the slums. I brought Asad, Raghav, and Junaid with me to accompany me and Inarah. What is with her and the slum kids? She waits desperately for this day to come and personally visits the kids here to give them gifts while the children wait for their Angel to arrive too. She plays with them, talks and laughs with them, listens to their stories, and helps their families. A high society girl like her despises even thinking about stepping in the dirty slums...but this girl... she's soo different.

She wasn't wearing her expensive clothes or those awful high heels. Just a simple salwar kameez and slippers, mixing with the crowd. She looked more beautiful than ever in those simple clothes and no make-up.

"Didi you're soo pretty. When I grow up, I'll marry you?" A 5-year-old said walking towards her.

She giggled making my heart skip as she bend down on his level.
"Hawh! Then I'd have to wait for soo long till you grow up, study hard, become a big man." She ruffled his hair.

"Yes, didi. Just wait... I'll grow up and become a big Sahab." He said with his eyes sparkling with hope and a huge grin on his face.

"Promise?" She asked putting out her little finger.

"Pakka(definite) promise!" He gushed crossing his little finger with hers and she pulled his cheek.

Asad stepped near me and whispered in my ear.
"Even little kids are proposing to her. You need to up your game, Bro."

I glared at him and he showed me his teeth.

"Wah...she is an angel..." Raghav sighed dreamily looking at Inarah as she played and giggled with the kids. Giving them gifts and books. The little girls poked her dimples as she giggled.

Gunshot Through My Heart (Completed)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें