Chapter 47

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Inarah's POV,
"How is he now?" I asked doctor Aahil as he came out checking Uddhav.
He shook his head sadly.

My heart sank as I was even afraid to face Geeta. All she does is cry and weep for him, pray for his recovery. She won't even open her mouth to accept a single morsel of food no matter what we say. So has to always be connected with IV drops from time to time. She's like a lifeless doll sometimes. And when we try to take her away from Uddhav's side, she throws a fit and the nurses have to sedate her to make her rest. Right now too she was sleeping under sedation. It's soo heart wrenching to watch these two.

"We can't say anything yet bhabhi."

"But it's been almost a week! How are you still giving us the same answer?! Are you all not professional enough? Fine then, I can easily get experts from all over the world for his treatment. You all can sit back and watch....maybe learn something!" I snapped glaring at him.

He sighed.
"Your anger is understandable. But, we really are helpless. We are doing anything and everything a human being can....we aren't God bhabhi. Uddhav is my friend too and I want him to wake up as much as any of us. So please calm down! And if you want, you're most welcome to get any experts you want. But there's no use wasting your money and energy on that as ... anyone would give you the same answer."

I sank my head down helplessly.
"But....what about Geeta?"

"All we can do is be by her side and give her confidence. Right now, she can't see anything or anyone except for her husband. We need to bring her back to reality and make her self-aware...teach her to take care of herself too. I know it's not easy but... right now, all we can do is wait."
He said and left.

All this was making my head dizzy and my view started turning fuzzy too. I was about to collapse when...

"Oh MY God Inu!"
Heena grabbed me making me sit on the bench outside the ICU.

"Are you ok?"

I sank my head on her shoulder as my head was still spinning.

"No... I guess." I moaned.

"Let's go home babe. I think your tired. You haven't slept all night either since Zayaan left."

Thinking about him made my heart clench again.
"Heenu.... my hubby will be back right? I can't live without my Zayaan." My voice faltered.

She smiled carrasing my cheek.
"Of course babe. He's Zayaan Hashmi! He'll be back soon for you. Don't worry sweetheart. Start worrying about yourself. If you go on like this, we would need to admit you in this hospital too. Let's go home for a while. There, take some rest and wash up too. Then we can come back."

"But what about Geeta?"
I said anxiously.

"Don't worry. There's a lot of security here. Not even a mosquito can get in. And she just fell asleep with her sedation. She won't wake up for a few hours. We'll be back till then."
She smiled.

I smiled seeing her like that. She's been in a good mood since last night. It's nice. She had also been down a lot lately, but not anymore.

I felt uneasy but I agreed with her and we set out to leave.

The twins were already waiting for us near the car.
"Tina, let's go home for now."

Her eyes widened in astonishment.
"How do you know I'm Tina? I can be Mina you know!"

I smiled.
"I've known you girls for a while now. I've learnt to recognise and distinguish between you 2. Like, by your personality, your style, choice of colours, etc."

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