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So I spent maybe a bit too long thinking about how this chapter would go then actually writing it

The night Peter had been kidnapped Tony didn't get any sleep. He called strange to come and help. But he also called his best friend since MIT. Rhodey (Yes I'm just introducing him because fuck my forgetful ass)

   Tony had practically explained everything in 5 minutes talking so fast Rhodey had to pause him 10 times. After the call Rhodey had said he'll be coming over to the tower. Rhodey had been in physical therapy.

  Tony had forced him to take a break to heal and got the best damn doctors money could buy to help Rhodey. Tony was also in the middle of building some braces that would help Rhodey get full range of motion back in his legs.

  Interrupting Rhodey's session and healing process was the last thing Tony wanted but right now he couldn't handle the situation with Peter.

   So when Rhodey had arrived Tony had hugged him. 

"God Platypus, I can't deal with this. Peter became a fucking mutant while I was watching him. What the fuck do I say to his aunt!? I failed him, I failed to protect him, and I'm god damn Ironman!" Tony rambled to his best friend.

  "Before you even think about that sit down and tale a breather." Rhodey instructed Tony. Tony did as Rhodey said and quickly leaned his head on his hands. He shoved the palms of his hands in his eyes. 

"Fuck!" Tony half shouted at no one.

  Rhodey dragged a chair to Tony and sat down in front of him. Rhodey than grabbed Tony's hands and lowered them to look Tony in the eye. "I understand this is hard, Peter's life is completely changed now. But at least he still has his life, you didn't fail him.  Who knows he might actaully like having powers." Rhodey said and Tony gave him a skeptical look.

  Rhodey sighed "remember when you called me about Peter feeling out of place with all of you? Well him having powers may help him fit in more. This may seem like a bad situation but if you'd just tell the kid it'll get better." Rhodey explained to Tony.

  Before they could continue Pepper walked in. 

"Nice to see you Rhodey" Pepper greeted. "You too" Rhodey said while standing up, Tony also standing. Pepper sighed  

"Peter destroyed the wall" Pepper said hesitantly.

 "What?" Tony said blankly. 

"He what?" Tony repeated. 

"Friday alerted the rest that Peter was having a panic attack and when they tried to help him he was fighting back a little but then his hand hit the wall and the wall shattered" Pepper explained.

 "Shit" Tony said before rushing to Peter's room. He opened the door to see Bruce next to Peter's bed examining his hand and Peter asleep. He quickly looked at the rubble on the ground and then the wall. Tony's eyes went wide at the damage. He could even see the frame in the wall.

"Holy shit" Tony whispered. 

"The crazy thing is that Peter's hand isn't even badly damaged, he'll probably just have some bad bruising." Bruce said with concern and without looking at Tony. Bruce sighed 

"he's very strong Tony. And him not knowing how to control them..... what if he punched someone?" Bruce asked.
 Bruce stood up and left the room without another word. Tony walked up to Peter's bed and sat down next to Peter 

"Damn kid." Was the only thing Tony could say. Tony kept his eyes glued to the destroyed wall.

 Rhodey then walked in. Rhodey followed Tony's gaze and landed on the wall. Rhodey whistled 

"Damn, wow you can even see the frame. The wall is concrete and metal framing, right?" Rhodey asked and Tony nodded silently.

"You don't think he was faking about how much he could lift, do you?" Rhodey asked. 

"I would doubt it but the amount of force it would take to destroy the wall certainly doesn't match the results of his strength test." Tony said.

Tony grabbed Peter's hand and looked at his knuckles. He sighed and let his hands and Peter's fall in his lap. 

"We've worked with gods, assassins, spies, and mutants. We can handle Peter. We can help him with his new powers. Everything isn't going to shit no matter how much you think it is. We can handle this." Rhodey said looking Tony in the eye.
Well not the longest but now there's Rhodey. I hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.
   732 words

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