Staying The Night

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Well Avengers attacked him, Aunt May found out his secret. Life seems to be going down hill for him. What else could happen?

He was sitting on a building holding his burned shoulder. The suits defiently weren't on stun. It hurt a lot, like a lot. But it didn't hurt as much as the pain of betrayal. He really thought he was friends with them. He was such a fool when it comes to these things. His mask was off and tears fell from his eyes falling all the way down to the ground below. He could even hear the impact. The wind blew his hair around getting caught in his wet red eyes.

His shoulder was bleeding badly so he has to go somewhere but home wasn't an option. He couldn't go home expecting aunt May to just fix him up and forget about it. And he wasn't in the mood for a lecture from her. He was too close to breaking down. He couldn't go to Ned's because his family had gone on a 3 day field trip that begun Friday, yesterday.

He had no other options. Yeah he knew a few other vilgantes like deadpool and daredevil and deadpool would certainly let him stay the night but he wasn't in the mood to be cheered up and that's exactly what deadpool would try to do. He needed someone who would help him with his injury but not try to cheer him up and let it be.

He's been friends with MJ for quite awhile he could trust her. Could he? He totally could. At least he's been friends with her longer than the Avengers so there's less of the chance she'll betray him also.

His arm hurt too much to swing so he walked. He stayed in the shadows because he kept his mask off. Karen tried to cheer him up but he just needs a few hours to just scream into a pillow not have someone say "Look on the brightside or it'll be ok in the end" he doesn't want to hear that crap. MJ won't say that corny stuff she'll be realistic with this situation.

As he approached MJ's house/apartment (idk) he crawled up the wall to the window he recognized as her room since she had him over for group projects. He knocked on the window and MJ's neck snapped to the window. She stood up and opened it, as she saw him in a Spiderman suit she said "honestly I'm not surprised"

he climbed through and sat on the window frame. "I've suspected that you were Spiderman for a while. You weren't there everytime he was. Like D.C" MJ said.

He was shocked but then he realized how easy it was to link him to Spiderman. MJ eyes than went wide as she studied him. "What the hell happened to your shoulder!?" MJ aksed holding his shoulder still studying the wound. "Were you burned?" MJ asked. "More like shot with a repulsor by an ironman suit" he said touching the wound but instantly regretting doing that.

"Let me get the med kit in the bathroom." MJ said disappearing. As she was rummaging through the closet, he could hear, he looked around then he saw a book titled "Pe.Pa. drawings" he looked at it with intrest but then MJ came back.

As MJ wrapped the burn that was already healing she asked "may I know why Tony Stark decided to shoot you?" He sucked in a breath "because they needed me to join the Avengers and tried to get me to show them my identity by attacking me with the suits" he explained. MJ scoffed and shook her head. "Yes shoot the person who you're suppose to recruit smart move" MJ said finishing up on the bandage. As she stood up he grabbed her arm "D-do you mind if I stayed the night?" He asked voice quiet afraid of rejection. "Sure, but where would you sleep?" MJ asked voice slightly concerned by the way his voice was quite while talking to her. "I could I make a web hammock in the corner. In the morning it'll come off leaving no evidence I was here." He said.

"Ok" MJ said as she readied her bed. He started his hammock and finished quickly learning from experience. As he laid in the hammock MJ laid in her bed and reached for her lamp. "Night nerd" MJ said. "Night" he said in a small voice. He knew he could trust MJ. He fell asleep a few minutes later.

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