Is This Me?

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Hey everyone, started writing this at 6 am, and I wasn't awake because I slept early. 

I hope you all Enjoy!



He sat in the large empty office. Everything sleek and modern and so cold. Just like how his father always was, need the best technology, best business,... best son. Everything needed to be perfect. So now he was sitting here glancing over the schematic for what seems the thousandth time since that fight. 

He needed to keep the fight in mind even though the pain from it burns him inside. 

He saw all the preparations. His father wanted him to take after him. In business and the side hobby. Not wondering or asking about his opinion or desires. 

Now sitting, debating, internal battles of all kind everyday. He can't be Goblin. He can't do that again, can't backtrack. His father was dead, dead! His father died trying to kill his childhood friend, his first friend, his only friend. He stood up quickly causing the damn chair to fall back. He kicked the damned thing then closed the schematics. 

His father had created amazing technology but decided to use it for himself. And was he really criticizing his father for that and yet he had too. That's the whole reason he needs to make up his fucking mind already. He knew he should use it for good. He could redesign, update, or even recreate the whole glider to erase all traces of Goblin. 

He walked up to the windows gazing upon the setting sun. 

If truth be told he of course had the same desire his father had succumbed to. He knew that it was all kinds of horrible, it was and there's no 'but's or 'yet's to excuse that.

What kind of human doesn't have thoughts like that? It makes him human, but what makes him better is not to succumb to those little whispers in his ear. He'd been weak and let those whispers be the only thing he heard. 





You know when he thinks of changing the glider, he thinks to Peter. What could he create to help Peter.... and his little friend. Create some dorky spider glider. Peter would still be ecstatic about it though.

He smiled but quickly looked down as if ashamed of showing emotion to the window, old habits die hard. 

He walked back to his desk, he lifted his chair and sat back down. Pulled the schematics back up and stared at them yet again. Then his finger flew. 

No more bombs, 

No more spikes,

No more compartments for deadly gadgets. 

no, no no, remove, replace, change. 

He stripped the schematic until all that was left was the bare bones of a glider. Just the skeleton.  

This was his. He could do whatever. 

Yet, instead of designing his glider his mind wandered to Peter again. That was when his mind took off. 

Ideas here and there, fingers barely had time to even write down the ideas but he had all day. 

This is him, helping his friend. 

He started designing the spider. 


He woke up that day tired but still functional enough to go to school. Being tired was ok, he got to help around his part of the city. 

Since the bite, everything has been hectic. Overwhelmingly hectic but things seem to be leveling out. 

He started his routine. Headphones first then clothes. He exited his room and quickly gathered his bag and supplies. He needed to leave quick. But he took time to actually eat breakfast after his mom's nagging. After he finished, by finish you mean food still in his cheeks then yes, he started jogging easily to the subway. 

Now the subway isn't a clean place, not by far. But it was a great place to people watch. A great activity before school starts. It's a good practice for his brain. 

He gave an older man his seat and stood. The vibrations of the train lulled him so his mind wandered to Peter. Not his Peter but older heavier Peter. The multiverse is real, yeah he got over that a while ago but he does wonder. Is another him, one with his uncle? Or one that never turned into Spider-Man. He wonders what would've happened. Where the butterfly effect would lead him. How the dominos would fall and land into a different path in those universes. 

And that makes him thankful for what he still has. And what he has gained. He has Peter and now MJ, Ned, and even met the Avengers. 

He is happy with his universe. This is him.


So more progressssss, but this time with feeeeeels. 

Hopefully you felt something reading this. I felt like I needed more of other's pov and their feelings since I often write Peter and his feelings.

Also THANK YOU for 700 freaking K. Let's goooo

I hope you all Enjoyed and thanks for reading!

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