Bending Rules

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Hey everyone! So my mom wanted to have a small get away so over the weekend I was traveling and chilling in a hotel. I'm currently writing this on the way back home.

Little update, sorry I didn't upload last weekend.




He was shipped off to school. In a silent car ride with Happy and Happy will be waiting after school to pick him up.

When he got to school he listened to Ned rant about everything that happened that night.

This Ganke guy sounds like a perfect person for Ned to hang out with. So he told Ned about the grounding.

"I think you should try to meet him in person since I can't hang out. Who knows? Maybe you two could hang area 51 together." He joked but then Ned got a look.

"Nononono. Ned no." He scolded Ned.

"But we could!" Ned interjected. He just shook his head and a smiled formed.

The bell rung starting class and the teacher stood up.

time skip to lunch brought to you by

time skip to lunch brought to you by

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.


He was sitting in the lunchroom waiting for MJ and Ned when he looked out the window and made eye contact with someone. A dirty blond haired guy around his age

Neither looked away oddly and then the guy smiled at him. A genuine smile which made it more odd.

A tray being set down next to made him turn. It was MJ

"What are you looking at?" MJ asked. He looked back and the guy was gone.


He explained his predicament to MJ and she rolled her eyes.

"You could've told me you were going to San Francisco. I would've asked for a souvenir."

"Sorry" he said and MJ chuckled.

"Anyways, you made friends out of the guy you were fighting." MJ said shaking her head.

"Well he wasn't exactly a villain. I think he's nice. He fed me." He laughed.

"You're exactly like a puppy. Feed them to gain their trust." MJ teased him and he gave her the *sad eyes*

end of school

He got in the car and stared out of the window. Only for him to see the same guy he saw at lunch.

He knew the tinted window made it impossible to see him clearly but it still felt like the kid was staring into his soul.

Their stare down was interrupted by the car moving.

Who was that kid?

Anyways, more importantly, he can Spider-Man tonight.

He had prepared some web fluid at the school because he's not allowed in the lab T-T.

Happy pulled up to the tower and he got out. He heaved his bag up, well he has some homework so he could get started on that since he obviously has no business in the lab.

He was in the elevator and as the doors closed he saw the familiar dirty blonde hair but the doors closed before he could see anything else.

His eyes lingered on the closed doors but then unzipped his bag and pulled out his science homework. Real simple homework. Writing covalent compound formulas. Everyone that knows him knows he could do this in less than 5 minutes but he needs an excuse to chill in his room till 6.

After an hour nobody came to his room and he didn't leave. He wasn't angry or holding a grudge. He was wondering if they did. Maybe they were finally done with him, bored or annoyed with him. Finally time to move on?

He just switched to another app on his phone and scrolled. Endless videos become a great distraction in times of boredom. Escaping from reality.

He just needs to hang out till supper then he can leap off this tower.


He walked out of his room to the dining area to find silence. Not even he heard anything. But there was some food, takeout.

He looked around waiting for something to happen but when nothing did he reached and took the bag and went back to his room.


"So when is he getting here?" Nat asked. Tony looked at his phone.

"He said he'll get in New York late." Tony answered.

"What do you think Peter will think of him" Steve asked.

"If I really know those two they'll get along too well. They'll be a danger duo" Tony said folding one leg over his other.

Why must chairs that people need to sit on for sometimes hours be plastic. Tony might just donate some money to this airport for better chairs.


He finished his large meal and put on the suit. The funny thing about him is he doesn't exactly get motion sickness. He can swing on a full stomach and swinging will feel even better. Full of energy ready for anything.

Only an hour after patrolling he spotted something that always made his heart stutter.

Someone alone on a rooftop.

His heart always does a little flip and then races when he closes in on the building. Just swinging and watching hoping they don't jump just yet.

He quietly landed behind them.

"Spider-Man is it?" The person not turning.

Maybe he wasn't quiet enough.

The perosn turned and-

That kid! His lenses no doubt widened but he bit his tounge before anything slipped.

"Oh! They move!" The kid said approaching him. He let a little sigh out, he wasn't close to the edge anymore.

"Sorry bout that but I had to get your attention somehow." The kid said.

He stood and straightened himself. What could he want.

"I don't want to freak you out but I know who you are- I know Tony, the old man, tin can, man who broke into my garage, I could go on." The kid said.

He was skeptical of this kid but his spidey sense wasn't going off so he decided to listen to him.

"As I've said I know who you are, Tony didn't tell me but it's a little obvious. Anyways I have a proposition." The kid gave him a mischievous smirk.

Something told him this was gonna be good

Ah I like how I ended this.
So it's quite obvious who it is but I consider this a pretty good chapter.

I hope you all Enjoyed and thanks for reading!

Wrong Number, Right Familyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن