Unexpected Meeting

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Well here's the BD special I commented about on AI. If you're wondering why it's so special. It's for two reasons. 1. It's my birthday of course and 2. You'll just have to find out yourself
Also thank you to all who wished me happy birthday early or on my birthday I appreciate all. And yes I do read every comment so yes I'll take the blue cookies and thank you for singing the song for me! And thank you all for taking time out of your day to read this. I hope you all enjoy this!

Hey guys!

Hey kid.

So I just heard about the king and princess of wakanda are going to be signing a contract with Tony Stark.

Yeah it's all over the news

Well I was thinking what if you guys see them since you guys work at stark industries?

I'm sure we won't see them, they'll be in the penthouse.

They won't walk down to the intern floors

Jeez that must suck. Knowing you could literally meet a king and princess by a press of a button in the elevator

Friday wouldn't allow interns to access the penthouse.

What do you guys think they're like?

We don't know but they live in Africa so they must be very tough since they have to survive the harsh conditions.


"Harsh conditions, you lived in a shack with goats. Sounds real harsh." Tony said. Bucky smirked "I will inform you those goats are not merciful with their yells" Bucky said.


I'm sure they are civilized people just like us.

I'm totally watching the live footage when Tony Stark and king T'challa sign the papers since I can't be there in person.


Bucky looked over at Tony. "Kid's gonna be watching, better be ready" Bucky said. Tony smirked "please I'm always ready"


Hey I found an article that says the king and princess will be staying in New York for a couple of weeks at stark towers.


Both Tony and Bucky's eyebrows scrunched in confusion. "How does an article know how long they are staying?" Bucky asked. "As if I'd know" Tony said typing


how would they know?

Apparently they found Hawkeye in public and they got him to say a few things.


"Barton" Tony sighed. "The public wasn't suppose to get much information other than we are signing a contract.


And it says the king and princess will get to NewYork at 2 pm.

Well anyways we'll keep an eye out if they decide to explore the tower and tell you.

Thanks! I gotta go now, bye!

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