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Hey guys, school's starting again... new classes, some new teachers, but same old brain-dead idiots that like to moan in the back of the class and make animal noises as loud as they can without getting caught. Even the older kids are annoying, I had a class last year, and I was at a table with all like juniors and seniors. My god the dick jokes were nonstop.



The plane landed and they made sure to wait for their time to get off the plane and not try to be the first to get off. But they did have to berate Flash to sit his ass down. Once off the plane were all trying to get their bags and get out as fast as possible as to not waste time. They didn't want to make the bus driver wait too long.

Once they were outside the airport his eyes landed on the sleek shiny bus. It stood out like a sore thumb in the school busses and the more affordable rentable ones. He began walking and it seemed like he was leading the group as they seemed unsure it was their bus. The doors opened as he approached.

"Midtown Highschool?" The diver asked.

"Yup" He answered, and he was given the keys to the storage compartments. He put his luggage along with Ned's and MJ's in the one right next to the door.

"I can get my own luggage you know?" MJ said wondering what's with this unwarranted service.

"I know, I know. Just if I'm your boyfriend and I can't do simple things like this for you than what am I your boyfriend for." He joked.

"Obviously for your dashing looks." MJ answered

"I'm handsome therefore I have value?" He said quoting MJ from a while ago. It got him a book to the face.

They boarded the bus, and they got the backseats again. Lucky them. Let's just hope there's no major bumps.

He was a little overly excited because he'd done a little googling on some jewelry shops in Venice. He saw the perfect necklace. And maybe he was being a typical teen boy head over heels for his girlfriend, but this isn't some book or movie... and this wasn't like Liz. He actually knows MJ and he loves her. Liz was just some crush and that was immediately crushed once he saw her father. And then he just ruined her life-

"Hey dude check out this out, there's some festival going on and there's gonna be games and rides." Ned said excitedly. He nodded his head and read along with Ned about the attractions of the cities they'll be visiting.

Timeskip To Venice

The sight of the buildings, the water canals, even the boats just felt so weird but cool. Although the sight of some floating trash here and there and the smell. It was hard to ignore the smell with his senses, but he'll live.

They got to the hotel, a nice one too. He got a key to a room he was sharing with Ned. They unpacked quick, which by pack just took a few things out like snacks and water bottles and put them in their backpacks. Now they were ready to explore the city. They waited in the hall for MJ.

"Remember Ned, tourists get scammed and stolen from a LOT. I've seen A LOT of it and so has Miles. So please for the love of everything keep your wallet in a safe place and not in your back pockets." He advised Ned. Ned just nodding along.

"Good to know you have some common sense." MJ said walking out of the room.

"Seen it so many times. If it happens to me, I'm gonna drown myself in the canals." He joked.

"Drowning in sewage, great death." MJ mocked.

"What? Their sewage goes into the canals?" Ned asked disturbed.

"Yeah, but they're actively fixing it. They have tanks to clean the waste, but it goes into the canal anyways. Wouldn't recommend going in it let alone drowning in it." MJ said with a smirk.

"That's why you research where you're going before you go." Betty said taking Ned's arm and walking to the exit. Miles followed behind.

"I guess we should get going." He said awkwardly offering his arm. MJ rolled her eyes and grabbed his hand and begun her stride chin up ready for the new city making him a little more confident.

They passed shops admiring the buildings. He kept google maps open and checked on it often quickly to see how close they were to the jewelry store.

Oh, he had daydreamed about giving MJ the necklace on the Eiffel tower and maybe he could get a quick kiss. He knows MJ isn't too romantical like that and doesn't express affection too much, but he likes to think it'd be romantical for both of them.

He's such a stereotypical teen boy daydreaming about his girlfriend.

He made sure not to be too close to the ledge of the canals because he didn't need to fall in. Also, he'd rather not get drenched on vacation.

They finally got to the shop, and he excused himself to the bathroom. He snuck into the building and went up the store clerk.

"Um I'm here for the Black Dahlia necklace, I'm Peter." He blurted to the clerk trying to get the necklace quick before the others get suspicious.

"Right here." The clerk said pulling a box from under the counter. He took the box carefully and opened it. He almost gasped at how beautiful it looked in person.

"Perfect, thanks!" He thanked the clerk before returning to the group. Good thing he prepaid online.

He put the box in his bag in a section that wouldn't be crushed by the water bottles.

They were having a fun time sight-seeing and his Spidey sense didn't seem to catch any thieves.

But then the ground rumbled, and Spidey sense told him to turn around- OMG IS THE WATER RAISING UP!?!?

The water from the canal has now taken shape of a human figure.



Hey so I hope this doesn't seem like a too slow of a pace, but I don't want the end to seem rushed. A decent book can get ruined easily by a horrible ending. And I did not put 120+ chapters on this book just for the ending to be crap XD

I hope you all Enjoyed and thanks for reading

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