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Hey, so yet again more renovating for my hamster's enclosure. Also


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He flopped onto his bed with May and Tony behind him telling him what they decided.

"No access to the labs for a week, No hanging out with Ned or MJ after school, and no Spider-Man tonight." Tony and May said.

He had to bite his lip on the Spider-Man part. Spider-Man isn't some privilege he has that's taken away as a punishment. But it was just tonight so he held his tongue. They would probably tell him anyways not to go out. But the fact it's a part of the punishment.

They left his room. After a minute he called out.


"Yes Peter?" Karen's smooth voice responded.

"Lock up the recording of the fight and get Ned to delete his recording please." He requested.

"Of course." Karen said and then she went to work.

"Hey Friday, has anyone tried to look at the results of my venom?" He asked.

"No Peter"

So that's good, but he's not allowed in the lab. He wanted to get a scan of his skull to see where this venom was coming from. He was wondering if he developed a venom gland or something else.

But nope, grounded.

He pulled out his phone texted Miles



Hey dude, can't go out tonight. Wondering if you'd be ok with Karen and Ned connecting with your mask to give you updates?


Sounds awesome. Can Karen order food.


Yes, I've asked her a few times to do that.


Best AI ever.


I know


Now he can get updates on crimes stopped and he knows Miles will be fine.

He does feel bad for all the questions Miles will be bombarded with from Ned.

Ned hasn't seen Mile's powers yet, just assumes it's the same.

Anyways he has homework to do.

Timeskip to night. The time and the person.


He stood on top of his apartment waiting until a voice startled him.

"Hello Miles" Karen's familiar voice said right to his ears.

"Hey, so we're working together tonight." He said stretching a little.

"Yes, along with Ned. I'm patching him in." Karen said and he noticed the volume lowered.

"MILES" Ned's voice blared. So that's why the volume was lowered.

"Hey man, You ready?" He laughed.

"Totally, do a flip!" Ned said as he ran to the ledge. He did two.

"Hey so what happened with Peter?" Miles asked after two blocks.

"So, he was recruited by SHIELD! And Fury talked to him. And he fought this liquid guy, and he was totally kicking ass but then something happened, Karen and I lost connection with the mask" Ned recalled the events.

"Woah, talked with Fury?" Miles asked.

"Yeah! I wonder what's under his eyepatch?" Ned thought out loud.

"An alarm was tripped at a store 3 blocks west." Karen said and he quickly swung in that direction.

He got there just in time to see 2 cars speeding away. He quickened his swings and cut sharp corners and eventually he webbed to the roof of the back car.

He heard movement and guessed three people inside. All of a sudden, a hand reached out and up and in that hand was a gun.

It shot at him, and he could hear Ned panic. But he leaped over the arm, shot a web at it. He then pulled the guy out and webbed him to the sidewalk.

The guy in the passenger seat also had a gun. But he reacted before the guy could even shoot and webbed him to a light pole.

He leaped to the side of the car swung through the passenger window legs first and hit the guy driving. The door busted off and the guy flew. He quickly webbed him and stopped the car. Then went after the other car.

"Man, this is so cool." Ned said. He laughed.

"Would you believe me if I said that was the first time, I did that?" He said.

"No way, you were so quick and smooth." Ned laughed.

He was gaining on the first car when they spotted him.

They began shooting at him and he had to doge midair. It was slowing him down, but he saw they turned so we quickly went over a low building and cut them off.

The car skidded and stopped. They got out and one of the three was a large dude. So he was his priority. The dude charged at him and last second, he flipped over him.

"Think fast" he said, and he shot a web at the guy's feet and pulled.

He couldn't do much else before he had to doge some bullets.

"Go to hell" One of the guys shouted.

"Been there gun that" He joked as he shot two webs at the guns and yanked them out of the hands of the criminals.

He heard the bug guy get up while doing that, so he swung the guns at the big dude.

It distracted the big dude long enough he got a running start and kicked him in the chin.

"Out for the count!" Ned said.

The two others charged at him, but he webbed one's foot causing him to tumble, and the other dude tripped over him. He webbed them in a little cocoon together.

"Love birds" Ned laughed.

"You little fuc-" He webbed the two guy's mouth.

"Potty mouth." He commented.

Big dude groaned. He walked over and webbed him for precaution. The police showed up so that was his sign to leave.

"What a good start to the night." Ned commented and he agreed.

"Hey dude, I have to introduce you to someone. I think you'd get along perfectly." Miles said sprinting on a roof and flipping off.


Ok so it may be obvious but I wanna know if you know who I'm talking about introducing to Ned. I'm excited for it.

I hope you all Enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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