Are They Potty Trained?

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Hello everyone! I got a crap load of homework, but I'd rather write. 



Now he didn't just pass out, it was late, and he kept going in and out but eventually his heavy eyelids became too heavy to force back up. 

And now he woke up to two chickens sleeping on his chest in a decent looking apartment. He could only see in the corner of his eyes and the ceiling. The ceiling looked nice enough for him to make that guess. 

Bored with the room he studied the chickens; he's never really seen chickens in person..... well alive. He could feel their feet through his suit, but they were covered by their wings. They looked like cat loafs but with feathers. 

And a beak. 

AND THOSE WEIRD RED THINGS. On their face. He lifted a hand to touch it. The chickens woke up at the movement and saw his hand. They looked at it before one pecked it and he laughed, and he moved his hand around and they made jabs for it. 

His fun was interrupted by a voice. 

"We fought a literal kid, and now he's playing with the chickens." It was Eddie in a hushed voice. 

"I have enhanced hearing you know," he said trying to think of the right way to lift a chicken to get up. Then black goo lifted both chickens and set them down on the floor. 

"So, are they potty trained?" He joked as he sat up

When he turned, he saw Venom's face on some long ass neck attached to Eddie. 

"That's disturbing." He said poking venom's face. Venom kept backing up, but he was insistent.

"Hold still" he said tackling the head.

"Let go child!" Venom said trying to shake him off.

"Let me just test some theories." He said adamant on his new goal. He wanted to see the teeth and see whether they were similar to human or animal teeth or something different. And the eyes. He needs to see. Before he could do much else and was literally flung to the ceiling. 

He huffed as he sat criss cross on the ceiling. 

"You still haven't told me if you're some alien from a distant galaxy." He spoke. 

"What the fuck, get off the damn ceiling!" Eddie said standing up from his work desk.  

"Not until some of my questions are answered." He said determined to get some answers. Eddie huffed then turned to Venom. 

"Just answer his questions, and no more wrestling." He scolded both of them, but he merely laughed. The Venom head sighed before raising up and flipping so they were face to face. 

"What questions do you have child." Venom huffed. 

"So first the teeth." He began and then Venom gave a strangled smile to show his teeth... and the shit load of saliva. 

"Ew" anyways he studied the teeth, all of them were sharp. None were dull or flat, so Venom wasn't even a tiny bit herbivore. Herbivores have flat teeth to grind plants. He was purely a carnivore, like he thought earlier they were similar to a shark's teeth but only because of the layer. The teeth were thin and long.

"Where are you from?" He asked.

"Klyntar" Venom said simply. He wasn't expected an actual answer, but he still doesn't know where that is.

"Is that in this galaxy?" He asked?

"No" Venom said and there wasn't any reason to ask further because he wouldn't understand some space directions. 

Now moving to the eyes. 

"So, who copied who?" He asked taking his mask off. Yeah, he knows about the secret identity but who doesn't know? Besides they haven't killed him yet.

He held up his mask besides Venom's face to compare. 

He then noticed Venom staring at him with a form of shock.

"Human child is much cuter than Eddie." Venom said and then circled him a little. 

"What?" Eddie said turning to look at the two of them before stopping. 

"You look like a 12-year-old!" Eddie said looking at his face. 

"I'm 15!" He pouted.  

"Can we keep him, Eddie?" Venom asked.

"What!?" Both him and Eddie said. 

"I am not some stray animal" he said jabbing his finger at the head in a scolding manner. 

"Anyways the eyes. I swear Fury picked me to do this because of the eyes." He joked.

He held up the mask to Venom but then Venom Fucking. Licked. It.

"Ew, what the fuckkkkkkkkkkk" he whispered to himself wiping it off the mask.

"I am naturally like this, you copied me" Venom said. 

"Why'd you lick my mask??" He asked. 

"There was a little of me left on the mask" Venom said. So, if he licked it to get the rest off, then it should work right?

He put the mask on, and the mask made a noise. It has power again, but he needs to fix the damage venom did.

"Still doesn't work" He sighed. 

"What are we supposed to do with you?" Eddie asked. He leaped down. 

"I dunno, I could just go back to the hotel Fury put me at. But then he'll be asking about you." He said. Eddie ran his hand through his hair. 

"First what's your name?" Eddie asked.

"If you'll stop referring me as a child it's Peter." He supplied Eddie with his name hoping it'll replace kid and child.

"Second, Peter, we need to feed you then we'll think about what to do." Eddie said walking to the fridge. 

Across The Country


Peter would usually be here by now, or text to say he can't make it like last night. 

"Friday, text May and ask if Peter's sick." He asked before pulling up a blueprint of his latest project. 

" 'What symptoms does he have?' " Friday read off May's reply. He stopped moving. How would he know?

Something isn't right.

"Tell her that He isn't at the tower and hasn't text or called" he said standing and waiting for a response. 

" 'He said he was staying over at the tower' " Friday's words cut through the air and made him freeze. 

"He said he had to do a project with Ned last night." He said quietly. 

"Call May" he said urgently. 

"Tony what is going on!" May hissed quietly. She must be in the middle of work.

"I don't know, his text said he had an English project with Ned." He said. 

"He left and never came home last night." May said her voice broke slightly. 

'Oh fuck, fuck fuck' was all he could think. 

"Friday track anything you can to find Peter." He practically shouted his voice echoing in the empty lab.


Gotta do homework now.

I hope you all Enjoyed and thanks for reading!

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