*Regular* Friday Night

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Just something I wanna share. For the last few days I send a selfie of me in a mask right before school and sending a text right after saying "still dying inside" to a group chat of my friends.

R.I.P Chadwick Bosemam😔🐱

I hope you Enjoy.

   As they hid in the halls (Groot in a pot growing branches around himself to look like a tree, Shuri using wakandain technology to cloak herself and Peter on the ceiling. metal bars not sticking to the ceiling) They heard footsteps rushing around and their names being called by annoyed/angry voices. It was impossible to not snicker but they lasted around 8 minutes before they were caught.

   They could see paint splattered on all of them except Natasha and Gamora. They walked out of the room before they started the drone. The sentry gun held the paint balls. The flame thrower shot something different. And it was impossible not to notice the gallons of glitter glue on all of them.

   They snickered the whole way they were led back to the main area of the penthouse. It was covered in glitter and paint splattered everywhere. As they stood in the middle of the room they could see everyone's annoyed and angry faces. "The penthouse is destroyed!" Tony yelled distraught. "Don't worry it's an easy clean up." Shuri said smirking at him and he smirked back. He quickly went to the drone and typed in a command.

  The Avengers tried to stop him but luckily the command can be typed quick. As it flew up he backed away. Then it started cleaning. They couldn't destroy the pent house and not clean it afterwards. But it wasn't going to be them cleaning.

   (Idfk what the drone was about i just needed Groot Shuri and Peter to bond more.)

As the penthouse was cleaned others started showing up. It was a Friday, which is a movie night. First was Carol, he greeted her excitedly. Then Stephen showed up through his weird portal. As he awed at it he asked "is it possible I would be able to do that?" He asked curious. Stephen smirked "not without lots of training and time which I do not have time to teach someome." Stephen said and then Tony went to greet him.

   Now he went to the window and waited. His spidey sense warned him before it happened so he was ready for a bright beam of light. He heard Tony grumble about the scorch marks it always leaves and he chuckles. He went to the door and walked out to the landing pad. He greeted Thor and Loki. He smiled and waved "hey! Movies about to start, I'm in charge of snacks...... I've got your favorite flavor of pop tarts" he said eventually as he saw Thor's patient eyes waiting to hear him confirm his favorite snack.

  As the three walked in he went to the kitchen he got the snacks in bowls and the box of poptarts. He brought all the bowls with the help from Groot with vine arms. They watched the movie and he could see Groot become impatient.

  He would reveal himself right before he left. He wants to reveal right as he leaves and leave before they can say anything. Like leave a cliffhanger for Monday. (😏) He snickered to himself at his own thought, luckily the sound of the tv covered his snickers.

   As the movies ended and it was two hours later he got up and headed to the bathroom. When he returned he could see everyone around the large table. They were arm wrestling. He sat on a chair and watched. "Hey Peter you think you could beat any of us?" Clint asked. He raised a brow and looked around. His eyes landed on  quite a lot of people he thinks he could beat.

   "Maybe..." He said unsure as he looked Tony. He smirked and Tony raised a brow. "I feel like you're challenging me" Tony said. "I think it won't be a feeling soon" he said and he sat across Tony. "Or it could be if you're chicken" he said feeling cocky. "Please" Tony said lining his hand up. "Should we bet?" He asked as he knew Tony couldn't say no.

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