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*sigh* I know it looks like I'm slowly forgetting about this book or losing interest but no. I've been caught up in life. My dad is leaving for a while and with school coming up again and the whole deal about if  it's mandatory to get the vaccine, and a hospital trip for my brother (he's fine now). Didn't really know how to write this chapter. But I'm back finally



(Tony POV)

  Throughout the night he had checked up on Peter. He didn't know what what happening to Peter and what the experiments could do to Peter. He was terrified. He didn't know what to do but god forbid he would do something. He needed to know what exactly Norman did. He needed to talk to that Harry kid or just hack Oscorp severs to see if he could find any information.

  Peter wouldn't appreciate him hacking his friend's business. Peter was always too good for this world. Then he remembered that they had taken blood after the Goblin accident. But it would be nearly impossible to find differences between his first mutation from the spider bite and the current mutations.

  Is there anyway to find a blood sample before Goblin but after the spider bite? He froze, he remembered they had a blood sample in the fridge in Bruce's lab.

  From their fights. His jaw clenched remembering the fights to subdue Spider-Man. They had taken a blood sample but the mutations in his blood made it nearly impossible to do anything with the blood. So it sat in the fridge.

  His nails dug into the palm of his hand as he walked to Bruce's lab and opened the fridge. To the side near the back was the dark red blood. He pulled it out trying to push away the memory of how they got it.

The trap. The trap in the penthouse. Shooting Peter in the shoulder. Blood poured from the wound onto the ground. Peter escaped and they collected the massive amount of blood left behind. His stomach twisted and turned thinking about how much of Peter's blood there was. The was just one of the many things he regrets doing.  

He carried to vial to his own lab and quickly pulled up the blood results of the sample in his hand and the sample after Goblin. He didn't know if it was Karen or Friday so he just said to whoever to compare the results. Swiftly holo-screens popped up from his workbench and he could see the two samples. But then he was shown the differences between the two by the two AIs. He sat down hand resting in his palm staring at the screen.

(Pete POV)

He actually slept well, he rolled over and saw Ned was still asleep but MJ was gone. He groaned. She's probably with Nat or Pepper, which was not a good thing for him. He begrudgingly got out of bed careful not to wake Ned. He walked to the bathroom that was now clean and closed the door.

He did his business and started to brush his teeth. He kept poking his fangs with the toothbrush. He was trying to get them to extend or pop out, whatever. Just trying to get them to come out like they did last night. Maybe Ned had a point. He bite the toothbrush lightly. Nothing. Maybe a towel? He bite into the towel but couldn't feel anything. He opened his jaw and went to put the towel back but the towel caught onto something. Then he noticed it was stuck on his now extended fangs. He eye's widened at the holes in the towels. He winced as he unfolded it and stared at the holes. 

He jumped at the sudden knocking at the door. It was a drowsy Ned.

"Dude, if you aren't doing anything I gotta go." Ned said softly and muffled by the door but could be heard because of his super hearing. He opened the door bringing the towel with him and waited for Ned to finish.

Wrong Number, Right FamilyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant