Peter!!! You Should Be Resting!!!

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Thxs, and the cliffhangers are the best part of the book. Are they not?😏
Here's the one chapter I promised before I have to leave for the weekend.

He slowly approached the big and loud group. They obviously wanted answers and they really didn't need to interrogate Harry. They could literally ask him.

As he approached Shuri turned and saw him. She yelled his name tackled him in a death grip of a hug. "Ow. Ow. Hey Shuri" he grit out as pain spread all throughout his chest from his ribs. "Shit, sorry. Are you ok?" Shuri asked him and the group of people had already quickly surrounded him.

They all bombarded him with questions and he mentally took back his thought about them only needing to ask him. "Ok, woah um could you dial it down I have a killed headache and with all you talking it's kind of hurting my head." He said wanting to avoid a sensory overload.

Everyone quickly stopped crowding him. "So who's this Harry?" Shuri asked. "Well I knew him since elementary school. We were friends. Crazy since his father kidnapped me I know. But just trust me he didn't know" he explained. After they heard a door open and shut they turned for see Tony. Tony looked at them and then spotted Peter. "Peter!! You should be resting!" Tony said as he rushed to Peter's side to check his condition.

"I know but I needed to let you know Harry wasn't apart of the kidnapping." He said and he saw the same unsure look he got from Steve.

"Ok I'll trust he knew nothing at all but you really should be resting. Those ribs aren't going to heal of you're walking around." He sighed satisfied and he turned and began alking to the elevator but then something swept his feet and he fell. Then something caught him. He turned and saw it was cloaky

Cloaky was now carrying him to the elevator.</p>

He tried to roll out but cloaky wasn't having it. He heard Tony begin to say something but was cut off by the elevator doors closing.

"Sooooo, I suppose everyone was really worried." He stated aloud not really expecting an answer. Surprisingly he got one. A corner of cloaky lifted up and shook up and down. He sighed.

He was carried to his room in the penthouse and he graciously thanked cloaky. He laid in bed for about 30 minutes anxiously waiting until Stephen appeared in the doorway. "Hello Peter, now that you're awake we can do a proper check up.

The check up was a typically rating pain and checking every bruise and cut. So he decided to bring up the group chat

"Remember when I did that whole *You can't leave* thing on you" he laughed remembering that. He laughed maniacally during that. Stephen smiled "yes I remember that clearly. Now I'm going to be checking on your ribs along with Dr. Banner every once and awhile. The glider Tony described must have really damaged your ribs." Stephen said.

He nodded before remembering his enhanced healing. Shit! Why can't he turn it off like his stickiness. It would really be useful in a tower full of hero's not knowing you are also one too.

It'll only be a matter of time before they notice. But after Stephen left then the rest had rushed in to see him. "God Peter I'm sorry you had to go through that. Norman Osborn is a common enemy of mine and in the process of trying to hurt me you got hurt the most." Tony said, hands on his shoulders. "It's ok Mr. Stark. Really I'm ok and alive." He said wanting to ease Tony's guilt even though Norman was really trying to get him. Or both since they're both enemies to Norman.

After some hugging they had decided to get Peter to the couch in the main area safely to watch star wars. When night rolled around he passed out.

Tony had looked at his shoulder where he felt an increase of weight and saw a passed out Peter next to him. Tony grinned getting up without stirring Peter awake and got him to bed. Bruce and Stephen were next to him checking his ribs.

The next words had sucked the air out of his lungs in worry. "Tony you might want to see this." Bruce said. He rushed to Peter but didn't see anything. "What?" He asked. "His ribs are completely healed." Stephen said. Tony's eyebrows furrowed. "How Normans glider rammed right into them." Tony said. "Didn't Norman have a project a little while ago about changing dna?" Bruce asked. All the blood in Tony's face drianed. "You aren't saying Norman made Peter a mutant. Used Peter as an experiment!?" Tony asked horrified.

"What else?" Bruce asked.

Ok being honest this chapter is a clusterfuck of ideas that rapidly changed. Especially the end, there were so many things I thought of and I feel like this was the best to create suspense and another cliffhanger!
Ok now more chapter name ideas. With less !'s Please. Next chapter will be about them trying to deal with the idea he's a mutant now.
975 words

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