Out Of Place?

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So let me just say HOLY SHIT 200k. Like wtf, how the hell did this get to what it is now. Thank you all for reading this book! Enjoy!

  The second the words left Quill's mouth he felt everyone's eyes shift to him. He closed his eyes and sighed. He wished he had his mask so he didn't feel so small and embarrassed, (and scared). "I mean I'm just some teenager that happened to get an Avengers number and now I'm hanging out with them. It really just feels like I don't exactly belong or deserve to hang out with you when I've done literally nothing" he said as his jaw clenched and his eyes shifted to the floor anticipating their reactions. Maybe even realization he's right and will dump him.

   Maybe that wouldn't be so bad. Make his job as Spider-Man a little easier. But he would miss them even if they did dump them. He got attached to them, yet they blasted, hunted, manipulated him.

   Instead of any words or sounds he just felt arms around him. Many arms, hugging him. It took him a few seconds to realize they all were group hugging him. Tony was the closest and seemingly the one hugging the tightest.

  Then Tony started talking. "Kid you don't have to do anything to deserve this. You made us laugh through the chat. You brought a little more light into our lives. We should be the ones to feel like we don't deserve you. You are just a ball of energy and optimism."

  He would deny it but tears pricked at the corners of his eyes. And as he dug his face in Tony's t-shirt some tears fell.  They really care for him, and he really cares for them.

  It just another reason never to tell them about Spider-Man. Any trust or care between them would surely break if they found out he's been hiding it this whole time.

   After a few seconds passed he felt the feeling he dreaded. "Heh, so um I uh kinda have severe claustrophobia, you know fyi." His voice coming out a little harsh as the overwhelming panic he was holding down tried bubbling over. Immediately everyone dispersed after hearing that. "Shit sorry kid" Tony said. He gave Tony a sad smile.

  Few hours later

They were flying back to New York and he just stared out the window deep in thought. He talked with Shuri and all that but his mind was on other things.

  After the hug, which was great, his mind did wander back to that night which was the whole reason the Avengers started chasing him.

  He remembered everything too clearly. But something after the crash had him in the dark. When he was leaving the site his vision hearing and other senses were quite disturbed, from crashing a literal plane, but when he looked up when he found a resting place he swear in the distance he saw something hovering.

Something slick and it stood out agaisnt the night sky but yet it stood out to him. He thoguht it was just his eyes a little messed up so he brushed it off.

   As they landed he decided not to dwell on it any longer. He walked out of the quinjet and it seemed everyone noticed the shift in his mood. He walked into the tower with Shuri and Groot. They got to the penthouse and just laid on the couch.

  It was Monday and he had school the next day. He almost groaned at the thought. Shuri noticed the annoyance on his face. "Now what is on your mind because that look doesn't go well on your face" Shuri said he rolled his eyes "I have school tomorrow" he said and looked away.

"Let me go with you to your school." Shuri said. He looked at her with wide eyes. He wa about to argue he shouldn't but then he realized that wouldn't stop her. "Sure" he said because who was he to deny the princess of wakanda the access to boring American school.

  As the others walked in they saw he was taking up the whole couch and decided to just try to sit on him. Thankfully his spidey sense warned him of the Avengers' asses about to crush his body. He quickly climbed up the back rest to the top. 

   "Oh god, near fucking death experience." He said as he flared at the three 'Ass'vengers now sitting where he wa laying. (Bucky, Clint, Sam) "please, look who you're talking too" Clint said with a smirk.

"You should remember I've also had a near death experience with that droid that almost shot me at the stark expo!" He shouted in protest like he's never been in a near death experience. "Let's not talk about how you could've been killed that day" Tony said walking in and shoved him off the back rest (Yes he was still perched on top of it the whole time) onto the three others.

   He laughed as the three managed to lift him to the chair when he refused to budge after falling onto them. He laughed as he was plopped onto the chair.

  He really did feel like he belong. It all felt natural to be messing around with the Avengers. It felt nice.
  I made this when I had the over whelming urge to do literally anything and writing came to mind. I hope you all Enjoyed and thanks for reading! And thanks for 200k!
861 words

Also just some questions I found funny

Also just some questions I found funny

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