So You Wanna Help Me?

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Hey so the past 24 hours I've been getting spammed by followers and I have no idea where they came from but I got to 200 followers so YAY!!!!!!

As his eyes adjusted to the dark he saw who the three were. Shuri (discustang) Deadpool (sticky) and Natasha who as Karen translated called him a little spider.

He stood up out of his defensive stance and quickly got his web disintegrater. He freed Deadpool and Shuri but when it came to Natasha he hesitated. "Don't worry I don't want to bring you to shield." Natasha assured. He nodded and freed her. "So what are you all doing here?" He asked confused by their existence.

"We came here to help you, what else?" Deadpool said. "We figured if we could get Fury to back off then maybe some time later you could reveal yourself when you want" Shuri explained. "Ok but how?" He asked. "Well that's where your certain AI comes in. She'll have to hack into shield to take down some cameras so we can get Fury alone and you can really explain why you're doing this." Natasha explained.

"And being backed up by a princess, a spy, and a Merc should be valid enough to stop chasing you." Shuri said. "I would kill all of shield for you" Deadpool said "I don't doubt that but please don't" he said laughing. "So when do we do this?" He asked.

"Tonight, like now" Shuri said. "Ok then can't warn a guy before you make his AI hack into a shield base." He joked as Shuri lead him to an invisible hovercraft. "Well I would have but you haven't gone out since I got here." Shuri said and he sat down.

As he watched the city fly by below them, he couldn't help but marvel at all the lights.

Time skip to shield base on ground because that makes it easier for me.

As they flew above an apparent shield base he had Karen do her work. In the middle of it Deadpool blurted "So can we bust in yet?" Shuri rolled her eyes "We're not busting in we're sneaking." Shuri said. Then Karen notified him that they could go in the southwest corner of the building and enter through an automatic locked window which she has now opened.

He explained this and they quickly climbed through the window after he climbed up and pulled the others up. As they stepped out of the room Karen gave them directions to the room fury was in but I kept changing since people were walking around and they had to avoid them. Luckily Karen could watch the cameras and warn them. As they got close to the room Fury was in the door opened and the Avengers walked out.

"Do we really have to keep going after Spider-Man he really doesn't seem that bad, he hasn't even done anything bad and we're attacking him." Clint groaned as they exited. Natasha walked around the corner and approached them. "So you got filled in on what we're supposed to do?" Natasha asked them. "Yes Nat we're suppose to capture him but it's fucking impossible with his AI. How the hell is that advanced." Tony said. Natasha just shrugged "maybe he's just way smarter then you" Natasha said.

Tony rolled his eyes and brushed past her walking away. "I have to speak with Fury about the mission." Natasha said. Then he saw the rest leaving. As she approached the door she looked back at them and made a quick motion for them to come over. They shuffled to the door as Natasha opened it.

As they all walked in they all saw Fury sitting in a chair with holoscreens moving files. But when he looked up his eyes-uh, eye landed on him. "So you've finally brought him" Fury said standing up. "Actually we'd like to make a compromise. You leave him alone and he'll reveal himself when he wants or all your files on the shield database and severs will be wiped." Shuri threatened. Suddenly the holo-screen went red.

His head snapped to look at Shuri. He quickly whispered in her ear "What the hell are you doing?!" He asked. "Screw convincing him I was thinking about it on the flight here and as much as I know about him i know he wouldn't be convinced. And Deadpool told me about hacking sheild and threatening to wipe everything." Shuri said with a smirk.

"How the hell did you hack into the servers" Fury said with clenched teeth. "Spidey's AI seems to have really given him an advantage." Shuri said smugly. Fury gave him a death glare. "In my defense I didn't tell her to hack shield." He said.

He could see Fury's hands clench and he can hear his heart beat go faster. "And what if he's using you, if he has other intentions other than swinging around helping people. Because it sure seems like it, not everyone would use new powers for only good." Fury said. "Oh I'm 100% sure he's ONLY good. I trust him with my life." Shuri said now getting a little agitated.

"He hasn't shown any signs of hiding a secret motive or has been reported doing anything other then helping, even I'm sure he's good" Natasha said. He could see wrinkles form around Fury's eye as he thinks. "You're one of the best agents here Romanoff, if you're sure he's good then I'll call it off but any wrong move and my agents will be on his ass." Fury said.

The holo-screen went blue again and Fury walked over to the screen and pressed a button. After a minute or two the Avengers walked through the door. "What now pirat-" Tony cut himself off as he saw him. He did a slight wave. "I'm calling off hunting down Spider-Man, since everyone is so sure of him being good we'll let him go for now. But as I've said any wrong move and we'll be hunting you down." Fury said directing the last part at him and he nodded.

He nodded. "Now out" Fury said and they walked out. As they walked out Steve spoke up "What happened while you went out?" Steve asked very confused. "I met up with Deadpool and Shuri to meet Spidey. We were all planning to convince him to take the hunting for him down but Shuri went the more direct way to get Fury to stop. " Natasha explained walking down the hallway.

"And what exactly what that direct way?" Tony asked. "We'll explain at the tower" Shuri said. "Do I have to let this Merc in the tower." Tony said eyeing Deadpool who was currently leaning on his shoulder feeling proud. "Aw don't want me to touch all your rich furniture?" Deadpool asked in a hurt voice.

Deadpool laughed "What's so funny?" He asked. "The comments on this part"

He had no idea what he meant but he went with it since it's Deadpool. As they turned the corner to the southwest corner Deadpool stopped. "Well this is the end of this chapter, let's see how the others react to spidey next chapter!" Deadpool said then rushed to catch up with the others who were currently starting the hovercraft.

Little more of Karen and Shuri protecting Peter but also Nat and Deadpool pitching in. Some 4th wall breaking and Karen hacking. I'd say this was a good chapter. I hope you all Enjoyed and thanks for reading!

1,189 words

(2022 me: omg I hate this so much I wrote this so bad. Fml. Sorry you all had to read that😭)

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