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I saw someone commented on the lack of Miles and yeah to be fair I could have included him in the water fight but I was just setting everything up.

The bus eased up at the hotel entrance and they unloaded. He got ahead of everyone and got to the front desk with Mr. Harrington. He got a key and motioned for Ned and Miles to follow him.

He unlocked the door and he tossed his bags on the bed. He then fell back on the bed. Ned belly flopped next to him.

"So what's the deal?" Miles asked.

"World's ending" Ned's muffled voice announced.

"What?" Miles asked looking to him

"Giant elemental monsters like the water one. That was the third attack and now fire boy is going to attack here." He sighed.

"Oh god. How do you know?" Miles asked hoping they're joking.

"Fury." He answered simply.

"We're fucked." Miles groaned.

"So the fishbowl guy, aka Beck, is gonna fight since we can't web a damn fire giant. Get people away basically."

"Great" Miles said flopping down next to Ned.

How big is this bed?

He then rolled off the side and unzipped his bag. He pulled out the necklace case and opened it. He stared at it blankly. Should he give it to her now or? The world could literally be ending in a few hours.

It's either they win and he'll give it to her later or world ends and it won't matter.

His phone buzzed in his pocket. He looked at the contact. Great.


He stared at the fire place thinking about why he's here. Field trip got hijacked and Fury now brought his class to a war zone.

When he got the call to meet he told Ned and Miles he'd be back. To his knowledge, Fury doesn't know Miles is the other Spider-Man so it's better it stays that way. They both have pretty dark suits and Miles can stay anonymous while helping.

"Parker" Fury's voice interrupts his thoughts.

"Yes sir." He spins around.

"That thing will be here in a couple of hours. Are we boring you?" Fury asked.

"He's not bored. he's thinking about how you kidnapped him." Beck interjected.

Thank. You.

Fury then went on to say he removed obstacles for him. Obstacles like having a normal field trip.

"They still won't evacuate the city." Hill informed them.

He thought of not only his friends but also all the people that will be at the carnival.

"So what's the plan Parker?" Fury asked.

He quickly organized his thoughts and repeated the plan he was told.

"Then Mr. Beck and I-"

"My name is Mysterio" Beck said

He gave Beck a small smile. He must've like the name he mentioned last time.

He finished the plan and then Beck started talking.

"Peter, listen to me. The best hope you have, the only hope, is to stop it here now, no matter what the cost." Beck told him and that put a heavy weight in his gut.

Yeah no pressure.

He left the building and the sky was already dark. He sat down on a ledge on top of a building. He stared down at his phone going through texts from the Avengers wondering how it's going.

For a moment he's wondering how they haven't gotten wind of the attack but Fury must've stopped news of it from spreading for now.

He clicks on the text bar and he types messages but never sends them.

Then a figure floated in front of him. It was Beck.

"How you feeling?" Beck asked.

"I didn't think I was gonna have to save the world this summer. I know that makes me sound like such a jerk. I just... had plans with my friends and this girl... And now it's all ruined. I'm just some kid that got powers and now I have to save the world. It's a lot."

"You're not a jerk for wanted a normal life. It's a hard path. You see things, you do things, you make choices. A part of me really wants to tell you to turn around and run away from all this. Then another part of me that knows what we're about to fight, what's at stake, and I'm glad you're here." Beck gave him a semi encouraging speech.

He just nodded and leaped down the building. He strolled through the street towards the hotel.

He pulled his phone out and texted Fury. If he wants to keep his friends safe he need Fury to change the plans of his feild trip and make them do something other than the carnival.


"Good news. We're going to the opera!" Mr. Harrington tried his best to make it sound exciting.

Everyone questioned why, some people groaned.

"Come on, the school got us these opera tickets. Do you have any idea how much opera tickets cost?" Mr. Harrington asked.

"No, because none of us have ever wanted to go to the opera, ever." Flash said.

(I know that's two evers but that's actually what flash said.)

They made their way to the opera while the streets were packed with people ready to party.

Everyone made their way to the front while MJ stood back. He walked up next to her.

"You look really pretty." He complemented her.

"Therfore I have value?" MJ asked. He should've expected that.

"You could've just said thanks." He laughed and she took notice of the suit sticking out from his sleeve.

Then Fury's voice came through the comm.

"Are you in position?"

"Oh sorry I have to.... you know." He said already turning to the exit.

"Don't die." MJ sighed while watching him leave.

Miles met him outside.

"You ready dude?" Miles asked.

"No." He sighed.

They headed for the cathedral tower and the weight in his gut got even heavier. They can't fail.

No fight yet, sorry. I've been thinking more and more into the ending. And with the absence of the glasses I need a lot of details changed and fixed. But I've got it down. So next chapter!

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