Just Vibing

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So idk how to start this.

Any of you have any stories about horrible teachers, or funny moments that happened in school?

Well here's one of mine. In gym, or as they want us to call it personal health and wellness. (It's fucking gym just admit it.) These group of girls just wouldn't stop yapping their mouths off even though they knew the more they talked the less time we would have for a game.
The gym teacher would stop and stare at them dissapointed until they stopped but it didnt affect them. I wasn't having it, I also wasn't having the greatest day, so I said "why don't you all shut up so we can get to the game" and the gym teacher agreed with me. I didn't get in trouble. (On a side note the girls aren't the NICE kind of girls. They're assholes who can't shut up and like to think they're better than all boys. Like grow the fuck up)
P.s they do it everyday so I was sick of them.

   Before the doors opened he quickly took his bandage off and shoved it in his pocket. Natasha raised a brow at him and he just said "I don't want a bunch of superheros crowding around me asking what happened. And don't say that it won't happen because it most defiently would" he said right before the doors opened.

  They walked out and he was greeted by everyone. He quickly took a seat on the couch next to Groot and Shuri while they were playing videogames on the multiple consoles that were available.Shuri showed Groot all the games and Groot pretty much exploded with excitement. Shuri and him had been working on understanding Groot. So far not much luck but they wouldn't stop trying.

   "Ok kid gotta get to the lab" Tony said getting up and started walking "Ok well have fun in the lab" he said focused on the gameplay. He heard "you're coming too you have to pay off the money you spent" Tony said and he slightly groaned. "Not my fault you didn't protect your phone properly that a highschooler hacked it." He said with a sly smirk.

  But then an idea hit him. " let's mess around in the lab" he whispered to Shuri and Groot. Shuri's eyes lit up and a smirk slowly appeared on her face. "Lets do it" Shuri said and paused the game. "Come on Groot let's have a little more fun" Shuri said as all of them walked to the lab. Tony was gonna say something but was cut off by him yanking his arm and practically dragging him to the lab like Shuri did the first day as Spider-Man he was here.

   Once they got to the lab they rushed to his work station and began. He gathered some tools as Shuri instructed Groot to carry some machinery with vines coming from his arm which was awesome. He and Shuri began attaching some parts like sentry guns, propeller blades, a strong yet light exterior, and an almost hollow interior so it can be filled with the ammo. They were building basically a flying sentry gun or a drone with a gun. It sounds simple when you put it like that but when it's in action it'll be awesome.

  Tony had originally planned to be working on his suit with Peter but then Shuri and Groot came. He wasn't really gonna make Peter work to compensate for the money he spent. Tony didn't care about that 8 dollars. Now Tony was trying to look at what the hell they were making. Tony couldn't see it because they kept their back to him and covered their work.

   "What the hell are you three even doing" Tony said sick of being in the unknown of what was being built in his lab. "Making the best invention in human history." Shuri said without a second thought.

"Better than fire?" Tony said skeptical. "Fire!" He suddenly said his eyes going wide. Then he whispered in Shuri's ear. And her eyes went wide and she nodded. Now Tony was even more confused.

   After 30 more minutes of Tony trying to sneak a peek but then Groot made a wall made out of vines that he couldn't see through they were finally finished. They threw a blanket over it and carried it to the penthouse. The others perked up seeing the 3.

  But then they saw the blanket and had questioning looks. As the three of them set it down on a table and Tony walked up behind them. The others looked at him for answers but he just shook his head "don't look at me I have no idea what they've built." He said and went to sit down on the couch.

  As he lifted the back of the blanket, facing away from the Avengers, he typed in a few commands. Then Groot and Shuri pulled the blanket off and revealed a drone with quite a large sentry gun, a fee blades attached for show, and a flamethrower.

  Thanks Tony, he thought while he pressed the start button. Now the chaos will begin and they ran out of them room as fast as possible.

  The sentry gun didn't shoot any bullets, the knifes were dull (And plastic), and the flame thrower didn't shot flames. But just because it didn't shoot bullets or flames doesn't mean it still isn't dangerous. You surprisingly can make a sentry gun shoot a lot of things if it's the right size. They ran as fast as they could before it could begin it's rein of terror.

  They heard shouts of confusion before actual shouts and some swears along with Steve's "language"

So sorry for not updating a few days ago,  ya know with school and actually going back to school physically.
I hope you all Enjoyed and thanks for reading!

779 words

Also I had a quick peek at the demographics of my book.

Also I had a quick peek at the demographics of my book

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