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Hey everyone! Soooo for Christmas I got a play pen for my hamster. Lots of room for him to run and climb. 

Anyways on to the story. Enjoy!



He entered the tower but when Friday asked if he wanted Tony to be alerted, he said no. He asked to be brought to the labs instead of the penthouse. 

He needed to do some testing on his venom, but in secret. The elevator doors opened up to the labs and he went to one of Bruce's labs. Bruce has better equipment for this kind of thing. He grabbed a rag and a beaker; he bit the rag, and his fang went through. He held the beaker under the fang and when he was convinced that was all the venom that was going to come out, he removed the rag and looked. 

Only to see a small amount of venom. If this was all the venom that comes out of his fang in one bite, then it must be potent. But not deadly? Just paralysis the victim. It was able to numb half of Deadpool. He took the small amount and put it on a microscope slide and popped it in a microwave size machine that can identify elements and compounds of a material.

A machine Tony and him built over the whole webbing ordeal. Damn Tony wanting to know everything.

When it finished it told him that his venom contained cytolytic peptides which is a common component in venom in many animals but what makes his so fast working and strong? 

He didn't have time to dwell over that because he heard footsteps. He quickly grabbed the beaker, the glass slide, and the rag. He put the glass slide in the beaker, put a lid on the beaker, then wrapped the rag around the beaker and stuffed it in his bag.

He whipped around to see Tony and Bruce. Who definitely were suspicious of what he was doing but they didn't seem to see him stuff the things in his bag. 

"And what are you doing?" Tony asked. 

"Just some analyzing." He said short and simple, but Tony didn't like the little explanation. 

"And what exactly were you analyzing?" Tony asked. He bit his lip but winced when he realized his fangs were still partially out. 

Bruce happened to see his overgrown teeth. 

"Next time you do tests on your fangs could you please inform one of us because I'm sure Tony and I would like to know whatever you may know." Bruce said. Bruce's eyes then wandered over the machine. Which he forgot to close. 

"You didn't chip part of your tooth to analyze it did you?" Bruce asked a little concerned. 

"No, I didn't need to chip a part off." Peter said not lying but nowhere close to the truth.

"And what were the results?" Tony asked wanting to know more. He kept quiet because he had nothing to show Tony.  Tony huffed. 

"Fri?" Tony asked.

"Results of test #43-"

"KAREN!" He shouted his AI's name not knowing what else to do and Friday suddenly stopped talking. 

"Hey! You do NOT get to do that in my tower." Tony said glaring. 

He bit his lip again and DAMN he keeps forgetting his fangs. He focused on retracting them. 

"Fri. Fri! What did Karen do?" Tony asked him now annoyed.

"Karen?" He asked also confused. 

"Results of test #43 are confidential" Karen's voice announced. 

"The hell!" Tony shouted to the ceiling. Then Tony looked at him. He was fighting back a smirk and shrugged. 

"I swear I'll tell you about it just let me run my own tests for now." Peter said hoping Tony and Bruce will take that.  Tony looked a second away from having an outburst of his secrecy but then Bruce nudged him. 

"How long until we can know?" Bruce asked unhappy about waiting but understands. 

"A few days but no more than a week" He informed the two. Tony narrowed his eyes at him but relented.

"I want every ounce of info you get" Tony said. 

"Everything." He agreed. 

"Anyways Steve wanted to know what you're feeling for supper?" Bruce said. 

"Oh, umm. How bout some ravioli?" He asked. Bruce nodded. 

"I'll let him know. Tony come on you won't know anything more by standing there." Bruce then shooed Tony out and left. 

Ok so a few days, to either come up with fake results or actually tell them. Do they need to know? Maybe. Some more testing and he'll decide. 

Time skip brought to you by Jade eating peanut butter. (Idk why it's upside-down)

 (Idk why it's upside-down)

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So, testing still didn't help. It's not deadly but man if someone gets nicked their arm will be useless for a bit. He was worried about breathing trouble or even heart failure, but all the venom does is put the victim in a comatose state for a while, at least for mutants. Deadpool has extreme healing abilities so he has no clue what it could possibly do to a normal person.

He wants to do more tests but what could he test. He knows what makes up the venom and the suspected symptoms, he can't and won't use live victims to bite. 

His mind escapes the situation by thinking back to the conversation with Fury. He doesn't know if that's any better than what's going on right now. 

San Fransisco. What could possibly be there that they need Spider-Man to take care of.  He hopes they don't expect him to kill what's there.  

He pulls out his phone and searched San Fransisco in the news section and looked for anything mutant related. He didn't have to scroll far as the 3rd article down had a blurry picture of a large... man? It was nighttime and the large dude was a little far and black. Not skin or clothing just.. black. But what was creepy were the pale white eyes. They reflected off the camera flash like an animal.

Human eyes don't reflect off light and the supposed "eyes" Are eerily similar to his mask. Do they think it's connected to him? He kept looking at the picture. 

What the fuck is he gonna have to deal with?


I apologize for the long Christmas break. it was longer than intended but rest assure I'm not going to do that again for a while. 

So I'm sure I've dropped plenty of details you know who it is. 

I hope you all Enjoyed and thanks for reading!

Also 600 followers!! 

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