......Game Night????

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So if you're part of the spam comment chain could you please take a chill pill. Like take a break for a bit because it's impossible to write when I get notifications for comments and anyone's comment on a different chapter gets lost. So just take a freaking break for a good long bit. You hit you're goal.

EDIT: Just so everyone knows I'm serious about the spamming if one of you add to the spam chain comments I WILL block you.

Edit: Ok don't apologise if you added some this was a while ago it's good.

Edit: Ok don't apologise if you added some this was a while ago it's good

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Timeskip to Friday

He was doing ok in the internship he really tried not to talk much because it became quite clear they're trying to become friends with him but they've hurt him too much for him to just be friends again. He walked to the tower and into the elevator. The elevator went up and stopped on the floor. The doors opened and he walked to the lab.

He did this every day he didn't really have to think when he pulled the card out to swipe to open the labs door but something caught his eyes. The lights were.... off? They were never off, he slowly swiped his card and the doors opened. He slowly step inside but remained on the door frame so the doors wouldn't close.

Light poured into the room illuminating the room a bit but not much. He then heard muttering "Just step forward a little more..... come on" he looked around confused before pulled his phone out and using his flashlight like A NORMAL PERSON SHOULD DO IN A DARK PLACE.

He scanned the room his flashlight lighting to the room up but he didn't see anyone. Who the hell was muttering?? He step forwards figuring his Spidey sense would warn him of danger. The doors shut and his phone was the only light.

Suddenly all the Avengers popped up from behind tables and inventions lights turning back on scaring the shit out of him. His phone fell out of his hands and landed on the floor landing vertically (went like this-->| / __) practically shattering the phone. Everyone's smiles dropped as they saw the phone. He crouched and picked up the phone and flipped it over. He was correct months of fixing the phone with scraps really made it fragile and dropping it on hard floor was it's ultimate demise.

He sucks in a harsh breath at the state of the phone "Yeah I can't fix it this time" He shrugged sadly and threw it in the trash bin. "Sorry we wanted to surprise you" Tony said sympathetically looking at the bin. "Well you certainly surprised me, scared the shit out me too." He said in his usual sweet tone. "Language" he heard Steve say.

"I should probably have expected a 100 year old would do that" he joked. "Yeah we won't let him live it down." Tony smirked and looked back at Steve. This all... seems... familiar.

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