Reality Check

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Well when this reaches 200k I'll publish a chapter for a q/a and Idk maybe people can request for something in the comments and I could do it. I'm liking that another wrong number story is getting read BlindBirdy I've checked their book out and loving it. And I've seen lots of others I recognized reading it also. Enjoy!

He likes to enjoy moments like the vacation while it lasts because it usually doesn't last long. He never thinks what could happen but if he does he over thinks it so much an hour or two could pass and he'd be too busy over thinking and panicking of what could happen.

And that's what happened when he woke up in the living room of the beach house with Tony's arm wrapped around him and all the other Avengers and hero's sleeping around him. In that moment as his eyes glazed over each one he felt out of place.

  He was just some teenager that got their number and were now hanging out with them. Sure he's also a hero but they don't know that. And what would happen if they discover. Will they resent him for not telling them sooner?

  Will they even want to talk to him? Will this while friendship get destroyed the second they know?

   As his mind continuously made up fictional scenarios of the Avengers turning him away he slowly got up. He approached the balcony with an ocean view. He opened the glass door and walked out.

  He stared out onto the ocean the waves having a calming and unnerving effect at the same time.  It was so quiet and peaceful but he was a city kid. He was use to cars honking and people talking. Now he felt even more out of place.

   His spidey sense didn't warn him of danger so he didn't even notice that someone was walking up to the balcony with him.

   Once he heard the door open he turned to see Peter Quill. "Hey little Pete" Quill said. And he giggled, it was something they agreed on to call each other. It was a joke but it took off.  "Hey big Peter" he said with a smile. "So watcha doing on the balcony?" Quill asked him and he shrugged.

  "Just needed to get some air." He said. "You look ready to throw up" Quill said and he guessed he looked pretty ill thinking about the many ways the Avengers would get rid of him for who knows how many hours. Takes a toll on his body so he tries not to think too much about what could happen.

   He rubbed the back of his neck. "I just needed a change a view. When I woke up and saw everyone I..... i felt out of place. I mean I'm just some random teenager who luckily got their number and are hanging out with them. I just feel like I don't deserve it, don't deserve to hang out with people like them." He finally explained exhausted.

   He heard Quill suck in a breath. "That sounds like a hell lot of weight on your shoulder. But I mean I'm best to talk about being out of place. I'm the only human to get to hang out with aliens and travel with them. Besides I didn't get a choice too. Like you didn't. You didn't choose to get their number or for them to want to hang out with you. You didn't take someone else's opportunity to be friends with them." Quill said.

  He thought about what Quill just said. He didn't take this away from someone, he didn't choose for this too happen. But he still felt like he didn't belong. How can't you feel out of place with your idols and the hero that saved your life?

   Well the thing he was mostly thinking about was Spider-Man. He'll have to tell them eventually.

But eventually doesn't mean soon.

  "Let's get back inside its freezing out here" Quill putting an arm around him and leading him back in. He walked past the group of unconscious heros and went to the kitchen. He heard Quill settling back and he heard his heart beat slow a little signaling he's sleep.

   He made a bowl of cereal and some toast. He brought it to the balcony but he didn't stop. He started walking up to wall onto the roof. He swung his legs over the edge and slowly ate his breakfast.

  He made sure to distract his mind so he wouldn't think anymore about Spider-Man. He watched the waves shimmered as light from the sun reflected off them. He watched the seagulls fly above squaking. He was so focused on everything around him he could hear someone below him in the living room walk around.

   He closed his eyes and listened intently. The footsteps weren't heavy or light, and by the way they were walking quickly they seemed to be looking for something. Then he heard "Peter! Peter, where are you?"

  It sounded like Nat. Now he heard multiple people walking around. People looked out on the balcony, he heard Quill explain this was the last place he saw him. He sighed, "up here" he said getting the attention of the group.

  As they looked up he could see the few people who were there. Tony, Thor, Nat and Quill. He gave them a small wave before all hell broke loose. "Peter WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING UP THERE!?" Tony spoke first.

   He sighed once again he was about to speak before he was cut off by others. "Peter it is a great fall from up there, it's best to get down before you fall!" Thor's booming voice shouted up to him and he slowly slide his torso down about to leap down. But everyone screamed at him to stop.

It was a good distance down the balcony so he understands why they said not to but he was Spider-Man so it seemed like worried parents warning small toddlers not to jump off a bed.

  "Stay up there, We'll get you down!" Tony yelled. And he sat there bored and listened to their conversation. "What if he slides down and one of us catches him?" Quill suggested. "That actually doesn't sound like a horrible idea like your other's" he heard rocket say and he smirked.

  But as they discussed he slowly realised how embarrassing this was gonna be. An Avenger was gonna have to CATCH him. Like a fucking ball. Oh god, end him now.

  He listen to them decide for Thor to catch him. His face was probably turning a tint of red.  As they stopped they shouted up to him. "Thor's gonna catch you when you jump down!" Quill shouted. He faked ignorance "Catch me?" He said raising his brows. And he saw multiple heads nod.

He could see Thor getting ready to catch him. Would the fall from this height of the house kill him? Because that sounded more appealing then being caught by a god of (fucking) thunder. Can he just ask Thor to just zap him when he was caught so the pain might out weigh the embarrassment?

Well enough with the angsty side of him. He sighed for the third time, yes he's counting, and slowly  slipped off the ledge. He liked free falling for about a second before he was caught by Thor.

He would have preferred the cement floor though.

  As Thor carried him inside. Though he wished Thor would throw him off the balcony. He was set on the couch. "You are very light Peter, less then I expected." Thor said with a big grin. As others rushed to him questioning if he was ok and what the hell he was going on the roof.

  He said he needed air again. "We have perfectly conditioned air in here better than the air out there." Tony retaliated.

  Well he certainly wasn't going to tell them the real reason he was up there.

  "He said he felt out of place so I think he just needed some space while we were sleeping" Quill said and he almost wished he had this web shooter so he could shut Quill's fucking mouth.

I have no idea what possessed me to write a 1317 word chapter at 11 pm at night but another chapter for all of you. I hope you all Enjoyed and thanks for reading!
1317 words.

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