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Hey everyone. So how y'all doin? So I see you have enjoyed the last chapter.

He just kept petting the goat. But after a few minutes his phone vibrated and he pulled it out. It was Tony. He was calling.

He answered the call curious and his ears were assaulted. He heard Bucky yell in the background but also close to the phone. "THEY STOLE STEVE!!!!!" After his ears stopped hurting he realized Tony was talking. "For the love of god please bring the goat back so I don't have to listen to Bucky any more.

"hmmmm, Nah" He responded smiling. "I think he's taken a liking to me. I think I'll keep him." He said and before Tony could argue he quickly hung up. "They're gonna come after us. You ready?" He asked Shuri.

"Always, let's give them a chance of catching up." Shuri responded with a smirk. Shuri kept watch for their while doing some barrel rolls. It wasn't long before Shuri saw the ship coming for them. "You upgraded this ship so it'll be faster didn't you?" Peter asked while witnessing Shuri seemingly charging something up with her bracelet. (hope you haven't forgotten about Peter's present from Shuri, it'll come into play sometime) Shuri slowed down which confused him but then the others' ship appeared beside and he saw Bucky opening a door on the side. "Be a doll and open the door" Shuri said to him smugly.

Shuri slowed to a stop in mid air hovering and then walked to the door. "GIVE BACK STEVIE!!" Bucky yelled to Shuri. She smiled then reached for Steve. "you mean this goat??" Shuri said with fake innocence. "Huh I'm pretty sure he got on this ship with us. He's happy with us. Aren't you?" Shuri said turning the goat around and looking him in the eye."baaah" Steve said. "And there you have it. Steve likes us" Shuri said before handing Steve to him. "Hold on to him tightly" Shuri warned him.

"DON"T YOU DAR-" Bucky yelled but Shuri shut the door and buckled into her seat. "Hang on I'm gonna gas this thing, we're about travel through time." Shuri shouted. And then suddenly she put her bracelet in front of a scanner and the whole ship jerked violently and before he could register what was happening he just saw the other ship disappear from view.

"We'll meet them at the castle. I told my brother at sundown we'll be back in the castle. That's the only promise I made. But at day Wakanda is our playground." Shuri said flying in the direction of the castle. Shuri's bracelet beeped. Then audio played from it. It was T'challa's voice. "NO goats in the castle!" Shuri only shook her head. "hold up Steve to my bracelet." Shuri said and he did. Shuri recorded Steve baahing and sent it as a response.

He laughed as he sat down and cuddled with Steve. He liked being in Wakanda. And he wasn't so worried about New York because Night was there. But in the back of his mind he knew the time where he'll have to tell the Avengers is approaching, and fast.

Time skip to inside and waiting for the others to arrive at the castle.

He was sitting at his window, that he climbed out of, watching the sunset. It was absolutely beautiful from this height. But his mind was still droning on about when he'll tell them. He should get it over with it but that little voice in his mind so certain they'll treat him differently keeps coming back every time he feels confident he could tell them. Then he becomes uncertain.

He laid his head on the window frame and closed his head. He let his mind clear, it was almost an impossible task for him to because his mind constantly runs with new thoughts and ideas. he was just left with his heartbeat and breathing. he focused on his heartbeat. He listens to other's heartbeats sometimes because it's a calming rhythm.

He was focusing on his heartbeat so much he didn't hear footsteps approaching or a door opening. Everything was drowned out because he knew he was safe since his Spidey sense wasn't active. He was only brought out of his trance when arms lifted him and he was leaning his head on someone's shoulder.

He didn't open his eyes but he knew who was carrying him. There was a familiar buzzing near where his heart was. A buzzing only and ark reactor could make. He only relaxed more because with Tony around he was truly safe. He was laid in a bed.

"goodnight Peter" He heard Tony's voice say softly.

There was a moment of silence, he hadn't heard Tony leave so he kept still.

Then he felt a soft kiss to his forehead and his time seemed to freeze in that moment.


So not as much fluff as I wanted in this chapter but I feel like the ending holds more fluff than any other scene I could write.

And I've been meaning to thank you all for 400 followers and the book is approaching 400k!!!

I hope you all Enjoyed and thanks for reading!

Next chapter will include of course more fluff but now Shuri, Groot, and Peter will be making something special for Steve (the goat)

Also if you wouldn't mind check out a book I moved to my account so i could update it more. It's "What is The Meaning of Family"

Wrong Number, Right FamilyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz