Webheads That Ain't Spidey ;-;

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so how much life do ya'll think this book has left? Remember none of this book was planned so not even I know what I'll write until it's typed out. I mean we still have some more story with Harry and Miles.  And we of course need to work on that Spideychelle.

And I need to work more on sassy Peter. 


"Damn you're STILL salty about that?! With your age you'd think you wouldn't remember what you ate for lunch," He exclaimed taken back at Tony's words. 

Tony's eyebrows raised warningly. Peter copied Tony.

"We can have a rematch if you want?" He offered knowing Tony doesn't know about his new strength.

"Yes! but later. Right now we need answers" Tony said pulling Peter to the couch. He was still in his suit. 

"So when did you all know?" Clint asked looking specifically at Pietro. 

"Yesterday" Both Wanda and Pietro answered. 

"Since the Goblin incident. Both Groot and I" Shuri answered. 

"I've known since the first few times Karen entered the tower" Friday chimed in. Tony just sighed. 

"Are you obeying Peter now!?" He shouted up to the ceiling. 

"Never" Friday said. Tony rolled his eyes. 

"God why did I give you so much sass." Tony grumbled. 

"Anyway..... There's been many times where've you all should've figured I was Spider-Man" Peter started.

"Like when you got on the roof of the vacation house!" Steve said. 

"Yep, and when Shuri invited me to the tower and when we were in the lab I spotted the Widow bites I upgraded."

"And then I walked in and snatched them from you" Nat said.

"When Shuri invited me to the tower as Spider-Man that was one of the best days of my life." He said thinking back. 

"And then we used that trust to try to capture you" Tony said clenching his jaw.

"You remember in the chat, when I described how some people betrayed me?" He was hesitant to bring it up.

"Fuck... all those times you weren't in mood to chat with us was because of us?" Tony asked grimacing. 

"Yeah.... but then you dragged me into an internship.  It helped me get over it, it was a little weird. To be hunted by you guys as one person and the other you try to be best friends with. And then we went on that vacation. Another one of the best days. But getting bit and that Stark Expo are high up there on favorites." Peter rambled a little.  

"So back to the vacation home, why did we just seem to forget that?" Clint said. 

"Yeah, I'm still wondering why you guys didn't really give a second thought about that. It was probably because when 'QUILL'  repeated what I said to him" He laughed. Everybody except Nat probably thought into it.

"Wow, you were practically throwing the fact you were Spider-Man in our faces and we were too blind by that baby face." Tony said smirking. He groaned. 

"I'll web you to a wall" He said unimpressed with Tony. 

"Speaking of webs, how do you create them?" Tony asked hoping he could finally get the answer. 

"Just because you know who I am doesn't mean you get to know how I make my webs." He said.  

"But I can show you my abilities!" He added.

"So if I'm remembering correctly you're actually part spider?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, we never really went into that when I was Spider-Man. But I can explain now" Peter said excited to show off. 

Tony got interested because he's been wondering about Spide- Peter's abilities for a while.

"So when I got bit the venom in the spider had actually changed my DNA so as I've said I'm actually part spider. My climbing abilities are because of microscopic hairs on my hands and feet allowing me to climb and stick to walls and ceilings." He rambled a little happy he can share all this to somebody other than Ned because Ned's reaction can be quite predictable. 

"You have no idea how many things I've been dying to share to other people, I've studied the limits of my powers." He would share a lot of what he's learned but the extra strength he got from Goblin wouldn't be one of them. He can handle it it's just more strength that's all. No other symptoms showed up. He'll be fine. 

"So the limits about you're strength? What are they?" Bruce asked.

His mind flashed back to the warehouse. He could tell them. He's gotten over it mostly. The crippling claustrophobia had haunted him but it's dialed down. He can handle elevators again.

"A building" He responded quick. 

"A fucking what!?" Bucky asked.

"A warehouse to be precise. It may have fell on me." He nervously laughed.

"How does a warehouse may have dropped on you?" Nat asked her glare sharp.

"Vulture" He said quick hoping they could get past it.

"Vulture, that bastard that tried to steal my equipment and you fought him on my plane and then you cras-...... You were on that plane that crashed!  How did he drop a warehouse on you if you were on a plane??" Tony rambled a bit.

"We had a fight- actually I wouldn't call it a fight since he didn't really fight back, he more took the pillars of the warehouse out while I was oblivious to it thinking I was doing good dodging his wings-" He rambled embarrassed how stupid he was.

"He took out the pillars.... That low fucking life could've killed you!" Tony shouted outraged.

"It's ok! I'm fine. I'm Spider-Man and I got a partner now!"

"wHAt" practically everyone said.

"Yeah remember when I was with him and I webbed you down when you were following us?" He had a good laugh at that.

"Is this the same person that you added to the chat around the same time? And didn't he say your real name??" Tony asked. 

"You know I just talked to him recently. Lets text him," He decided to quickly divert the subject from him to Night, Sorry Night.


Now we're moving on to Night, you know what to do here!

So I felt like shit Yesterday but managed to write some of this and then while I was listening to music I decided to wrote a cringey ass poem. I ain't gonna share it.

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