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Sooòoooooo guess what I got Saturday and have been taking care of.

Got the hamster 😁

(I have mittens just for safety, he's not a biter I promise

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(I have mittens just for safety, he's not a biter I promise.... Also if he shits.) His name is Jade thick_grape 

Also all of my family members are eating their words. They fought me on this every step of the way but I was determined and they all take back what they said.



He had Miles' mask on his workbench. He added lenses and attached a little ear piece to input audio from the lenses. Then he paused, he didn't have an AI to say anything. Well Karen won't mind being added to Miles' mask, and he's pretty sure Miles won't have a problem with Karen. He can just remove Karen if it's a problem. 


He stood there for a minute, got bored, and now was wandering. He couldn't help it. There are parts of Ironman's suit 4 feet away from you and see how long you last ignoring them. As he walked up to the bench his hand immediately went to a discarded face plate. Then he spotted a repulsor. Who could blame him for touching it. It's just begging to be messed with. 

He slipped his hand in and bent his fingers and twisted his hand around. As he did so an exterior armor part fell off but he caught it before it hit the bench. What it revealed was some wires and lots of circuits. Maybe the repulsor was broken. 

He looked at the interior for any problems. He found a chipped circuit deep inside. A normal person would have to either take everything apart or break their hand trying to reach it. Luckily for him he's got extreme flexibility. He carefully moved wires out of the way and disconnected other circuits. Tony made it so it's like a giant puzzle, they connect to each other. He removed the circuits along with others to find anymore damage. 

He quietly opened some drawers before he found a solder and some silver. He chose silvr since it's a strong metal He carefully heated the solder and it got quite hot to melt the steel. The he began soldering the steel onto the circuits. He made them as straight as possible then when he was sure the metal had finally solidify again he inserted it back in it's rightful place. 

He hesitantly picked the repulsor up and saw a target in a corner of the shop. It had several burn marks so there wasn't any mistaking it's purpose. 

He stood in front of it and aimed the repulsor had charged up and blasted. He was shocked and he probably would've fallen but he had stuck to the floor just in time before he fell. 

"Damn" A voice came from behind him and he stopped himself from jumping to the ceiling. It was Peter


He was brought out of his little work trance by the booming sound of a repulsor. He flinched as a flash of that night clouded his mind. He shook his head and turned to see Miles with a repulsor and a fresh burn on the target.  

He walked close to Miles still looking at the burn.

"Damn" He said but then jerked his head to see Miles leap to the ceiling. 

"Oh, Peter.... hey" Miles said looking at him from the ceiling.

"Do you want me to come up or you come down?" He asked after Miles didn't come down for a few seconds. 

"I- um. How bout you come up" Miles said awkwardly looking around the area he leaped. 

He leaped up and sat crisscross (apple sauce) in front of Miles. He glanced at the repulsor Miles had on and Miles followed his eyes.

"Oh! I noticed a circuit was broken so I fixed it and I tested it!" Miles said holding the repulsor out to him. He shook his head. 

"That's really cool, but if you want to be on Tony's good side I'd suggest not playing with them too much." He suggested. 

"oh yeah, that makes sense" Miles said. They both leaped down and Miles was about to set the repulsor down.

"I said not too much, I think you still a couple of blasts to go" He said smirking. 

Miles laughed and put on the repulsor. 

So what if he flinches when he doesn't know exactly when the repulsor shoots. It's loud and he has advanced hearing. That's all.

Time skippppppppp (Brought to u by Jade *cough the better Jade*  @thick_grape ) 

After a bit he finished upgrading Miles' mask they went to the roof and Miles had to leave. 

"Hey, we'll talk more about the bomb incident later." He said as they were walking to the edge

"ok" Miles said a little distracted with the new screen lenses.

"Night, don't get too side tracked when going home." He said and was half turning when Miles said something

"So what are we?"

He turned back a little confused, his face said it all.

"Noooooooo, not like that. This superheroing . Sidekick, mentor and mentee?" Miles asked. He laughed. 

"We're like the same age so not mentor, and Spider-Man is not a sidekick. We're partners I'd say." He shrugged. 

"I can roll with that." Miles said. Miles held out a fist and he fist bumped him. Miles flopped back at the fist bumped making it seem like when his fist hit Miles' fist it caused him to fall. He laughed and watched Miles pull his phone out quick. 


Hey, sorry I didn't post last week. I was on a roll. So I have two projects due by Monday and I'm utterly fucked with one of them, I have to design a cat toy. 

Project info, don't have t read.

(I've come with with the most unoriginal stuff. We have to a have a prototype by Monday and present it. I've come up with a toy to make your cat happy and a living hell walking experience for the owner. So I see two holes on sides of shoes for the shoe lace, and I know how much my cats love shoe laces. So I've thought of attached a string of some kind on the outer sides of two shoes and have maybe a mouse toy, feathers, maybe a yarn ball (idk really) and you can casually walk or actively play with the cat.)

I hope you all Enjoyed and thanks for reading!

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