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Yo what up peeps? I'm writing this on Sunday but gonna finish Monday and post it. Also my peaceful weekend was ruined because I had a spike of anxiety and it's not exactly going away slowly. 


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 As Groot set Steve down he was still easily holding Bucky back, god he loved super strength.

"What the hell is holding this door?!" They heard Bucky shout through the door still tugging. 

"Me!" He said happily and he heard Bucky's soft sigh. 

"Tony's gonna flip" He heard Bucky say softly. 

"Why?" He asked confused. 

"My arm was upgraded by Shuri with more vibranium to be stronger " Bucky said through the door. 

(I researched it and his arm wasn't made of much vibranium it had slight traces of it in Civil War so it wasn't very powerful compared to Peter's strength but now with the whole arm being Vibranium i bet you can guess how powerful that could be.)


He can't over power vibranium

He and Shuri tested it back in New York a while ago.

but..... that was before Goblin

As he took his hand off the handle his eyes flew open looking at the door handle, It was crushed to the shape of his palm. 

Shit he didn't even realize he was holding so hard against Bucky, he was just matching and slightly adjusting his hold to be stronger.

He was brought out of his thoughts when the door opened suddenly hiding the door handle from the others. He was the only one who saw the handle. He quickly made eye contact with Bucky but that was also interrupted by Shuri.

 "I had a feeling Bucky would over power you with his arm, evacuation mode" Shuri said to the goat in the suit and suddenly the goat was flying through the halls. Shuri then whispered something to Steve before she grabbed his arm and they fled.

He wasn't really there though, he mind was caught up on the handle. And the doors seemed to be made of vibranium. It can't be true, he.... he wasn't experimented on!

How would you know, you were unconscious.

A little voice whispered in the back of his mind. His blood chilled at the thought. 

There's no other way he could have gotten stronger. 

oh shit

Before he even knew it Shuri, Groot, and him were in Shuri's ship but he only checked his surroundings for a second before looking down at his hand.

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