Sooo Elemental Monsters... Great

509 26 19

School started a while ago and I needed to fix my sleep schedule😭 I feel so drianed after school

The water rose and took shape of a humanoid figure. Most of the people were running and not looking back. The monster rushed through the canal flinging boats and slamming into buildings. He leaped up to the edge of the canal on a railing and shot a web at the monster. The web instantly disappeared into the mass of water.

Like actually what did he expect to happen? The monster didn't even seem to notice what he tried. He then heard a massive amount of screaming and footsteps to his left and saw a bridge with a lot of people on it. He then saw the monster was heading to a bridge. He ran to the canal and jumped between the support poles still left standing and raced the monster to the bridge. He grabbed an oar and as the water monster came closer it raised the water level enough for him to use the oar to vault himself onto the bridge.

He quickly helped someone up and they ran just for him to turn around and get slammed into by a water fist. He slid back and hit the railing of the bridge completely and utterly drenched.

He looked up the water monster only to see a bright flash of green behind the monster. Then a green laser hit the monster's shoulder. He looked behind him to see someone in the sky, but he couldn't make out anything because the sun was right behind them.

He watched as the person flew through the air past him. But then he noticed the green smoke trail behind him. He was flooded with a Déjà vu feeling. He shook away the feeling and got off the bridge. He retreated to where he works best. On the roofs of the buildings. He was watching the monster battle Fishbowl seeing how he could help since he couldn't web the dang thing.

He followed the battle and he saw a whole side of a building was falling. So he quickly leaped and webbed the walls to the building

But as they water monster kept chasing fishbowl it punched a clock tower.

"Aw come on" He muttered and he leaped between buildings getting closer. He circled the tower spreading web all around it to stabilize it. He then leaped to the top where the rusted bell hung and watched the battle.

And of course a blast of water aimed at fishbowl hit the same damn tower. It started tilting so he webbed the buildings next to the tower and held it up

He couldn't keep the tower up with water constantly hitting it. He held on as long as he could but he saw fishbowl guy kill the water monster and the tower eventually crumbled.

He managed to get to the ground without being crushed. He saw his class cheering for the fishbowl guy. He took this time to get to the hotel before they did so he could say he got blasted by a wave and lost the group so he ran to the hotel.

He was drenched in that awful water. He rushed to his room and showered. He hoped Mr. Harrington didn't have a panic attack over his disappearance.

He quickly finished his shower and got out new clothes. Why did May have to be right with bringing a ton of spare clothes.

He left the room and went down to the lobby where he waited for the rest to show up. He didn't have his phone since that was with Ned in the bag, so he mindlessly watched the news.

The battle was all they were talking about but it was in Italian so he couldn't understand it. He would have Karen translate but he couldn't pull his mask or phone out.

Did Tony know Italian? He'll probably ask when he gets back.

Then the word misterio came up on the moving text box below.

"Misterio?" He said aloud.

"L'uomo de misterio means man of mystery." MJ explained behind him and scaring the shit out of him.

"Hmm, Misterio..."

"Cool name" Betty and Ned said at the same time.

"Aye penis, thought you drowned." Flash said while passing him.

"Oh thank god, Peter you're ok." Mr. Harrington sighed out of relief.

"Yeah, I got drenched in canal water."

"We should stay here and settle down for the rest of today." Mr Harrington advised and no one objected.

He entered his room with Ned rambling behind and him nodding here and there.

"It was like having vip seats to a fighting matc-" Ned suddenly stopped talking and he turned around to see Ned collapse onto the bed with a dart sticking out his neck.

He then noticed the man in the dark corner of the room.


Time Skip

So monster's made of the elements? What in the avatar.

He put on his vibranium suit and got in a boat with Fury. It was quiet and he could still see evidence of the fight from earlier.

They approached the secret hideout and he walked behind Fury.

He heard voices talking.

As they entered a big room he couldn't help but stare at the guy he saw at the fight. It was the same suit!

Pretty cool.

"..Destroy the earth..." Ok so turns out NOT COOL.

Elemental monsters here to DESTROY THE EARTH.

Good God why does he have to deal with this.

"I'm not cut out for this kinda stuff." He excused himself backing up to the exit.

"Yeah let the kid go on his field trip. It's best there be no risks or liabilities." Fish helmet aka Beck agreed with him

Ouch? Like he's right here.

"I've got this handled." Beck assured him. Didn't feel like assurance much.

Well who cares he has a field trip to attend to.

He webbed back to the hotel because he couldn't take the boat. But he almost hit a few buildings because he's thinking about Beck.

Liabilities? I mean yeah his webs probably doesn't do anything to fire anyways. Fair point.

They've got everything handled? Then why was he here?


Hey school suckssssssssssss. I have ONE class with ONE friend. Fml.

I hope you all Enjoyed and thanks for reading!

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