Who's Your Friend?

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Weekly updateeee, Also I am ecstatic because I convinced my dad to get me a hamster (I'm paying for everything I just need permission). I'm happy he agreed because He. Never. Had. A. Choice. I only took yes.



It could be him exaggerating but he swears in that moment, it was dead silent. No car horns, no voices, not even a light breeze. 

He looked Peter in the eyes, well mask eyes, and gave him a half smile. 

"Just fyi I kindaaaa knowwhoyouare." he looked away at the edge as he finished his sentence and debated jumping.

"Well I guess there's no use for this then" Peter said pulling his mask off.  As the mask came off Peter's curls sprung to life no evidence of it ever being in a mask. 

"Uh, so I guess because my dumbass gave u my real name for the group chat you found out?" Peter joked. 

"Yeah and some other things" Miles said thinking back to adult Peter. 

"So what's your name?" Peter asked sitting down again. 

He sighed,

"Miles" He said sitting down next to Peter and watching the gears turn in Peter's head. 

"waaaaait, we are such dumbasses" Peter said lightly slapping himself. 

"You really?"


"We both"


"We both gave our real names- If the Avengers ever ask tell them we always knew each other!" Peter said. 

"Will do" He said.

"Shit- I have to get back to the tower soon" Peter said.

"What time is it?" He asked wondering where Peter saw a clock.

"It's getting close to 1 am" Peter said standing up. 

"Do you have a watch or something? I don't see any clock" He asked.

Peter then turned his mask inside out and showed large red numbers showing the time.

"I looked down and saw my alert" He said. 

"woah, you have some wild technology in that!" He gasped seeing the mask.

"Hey if you got some time we could get some technology in yours?" Peter offered looking at the tower.

"Totally!" He quickly took the offer.

They both slipped off their mask and they slipped off the edge.

They webbed to the tower, of course with a little distraction, a cat.

Then they were back on the way to the tower.

"You feel like getting some exercise?" Peter asked.

"Are we going to climb the tower?"  He asked.

"Race you!" Peter shouted starting to sprint up.

He started running after Peter but they were pretty even in speed. So he used his webs. He aimed for a higher spot and launched himself higher. He was catching up to Peter that way.

He then sent a web onto Peter's foot.

By doing that it slowed Peter down fast.

"Heyyyyyy" Peter said stopping quick to get it off. 

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