'Guys In The Chair'

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Aye so I got my hamster a little hut and he's burrowing in it. When I lift the roof one of the two rooms is FILLED with bedding. Also I'm thinking of getting Jade a hammock




"WHAT WAS THAT" Ned shouted into his ear.

He'd just use venom to take out a couple of people and Ned freaked.

"It's just venom" he said.

"Venom?" Ned asked even more confused.

"My electric powers, I can create charges." He said wondering how Ned didn't know.

"Woahhhh, So you're basically Thor!" Ned commented.

"Well, I wouldn't say Thor-" He said but Ned wasn't done.

"Can you absorb energy or is it only output. Can you charge things? Could you heat up food like that? Can you control how many watts you put out." Ned said not seeming to run out of breath.

"I am not answering all those questions" He sighed, he already had to go though that once.

"But I know someone who gladly would." He said smiling under the mask. He swung to a familiar apartment building. It wasn't too late in the night so he knew Ganke would be awake.

He landed near a window and knocked. The window opened quickly.

"Dude, that mask look so cool. I can't believe Spider-Man upgraded your mask." Ganke greeted him.

"Yeah, I have someone for you to meet" He said crawling inside. Ganke looked at the window expectantly like Spider-Man himself would show up.

"He's connected to the mask. Hey Karen, can you connect Ned to Ganke's computer?" He asked.

Suddenly the computer's screen turned black.

"Helllllllllllllllllllllllllllllloooooooo" Ned said testing the audio.

"Hello computer man" Ganke said sitting down in front of the computer.

"So can I ask questions now?" Ned asked dying to know more.

"Yes" Miles sighed.

"Ok so have you tested the max output voltage? Can he safely charge a phone? Can he cook with it? What about electro, can he absorb electro's attacks?" Ned opened the flood gates. It shocked Ganke but then he reached for a drawer and pulled out his notebook.

"I've test multiple tests but you're giving me ideas! So his average voltage is-" He started tuning them out. He's heard this multiple times.

He took his mask of and put the secret stash of his clothes in Ganke's closet on. He went to observing the interior of the mask.

"As for cooking food I need to test this right now." Ganke got up from his chair and ran to the kitchen. Ganke came back with a bag of corn kernels.

He laughed and ganke put a few kernels in his palm.

"So try to aim for around 500 or more watts but don't go above a thousand or it might explode sending shrapnel of kernel shells." Ganke advised him.

"How does he control the watts?" Ned piped up from the computer.

"It like using your arm, you can put more or less pressure on something. The more effect and focus I put in Venom the more powerful it gets." He explained.

"He can't control the exact amount he puts out but we're working between the hundreds so he's got this" Ganke said.

Ganke turned on his webcam so Ned could see.

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