Shit, IT'S HER

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Hey.... so I can't really explain much but to put it short on Friday I have to be up on a stage infront of a crowd and something to know about me is I fucking hate being watched by a crowd even just my classmates. It gets my nerves up and I panic. It's gonna be terrible. Anyways that's just what is happening in my life. Enjoy!

He heard the ship land. He heard her footsteps. He heard the elevator going down and opening. When he turned he saw Shuri with blasters around her hands. "Why did you hurt my vine buddy?!" Shuri asked and aimed the blaster at Tony. It was silence before Shuri looked around and spotted him. "You come over here" Shuri said and pointed the blaster at him.

   He got up hands in the air. "Shuri don't touch him" Tony said menacingly. Once he got close she pulled him in and the blaster was at his head. "Now tell me why you attacked my vine buddy." Shuri said and he heard the blaster powering up.

  "We fucking had to, it was orders!" Tony shouted. "Orders you chose to follow?" Shuri said with venom lacing her words. "Yes fine we followed them but if he would just join. Don't bring him in this" Tony said. "Why do you happen to care for this certain intern? What if I did what you did to Spider-Man to him?" Shuri asked and the blaster started glowing.

  As he took in his surroundings, habit of Spider-Man in tense situations, he noticed everyone around him and how insane this situation got. How did his life start from him a nerdy kid picked on at school with his nerdy best friend to a vilgante talking with the Avengers and aliens now at the mercy of a princess of wakanda.
This has really gotten out of hand.

  "I'll take mercy on this boy this time but I'll be staying and I'm having a word with fury. And if you lay a finger on Spider-Man again this boy's injuries will be on you" Shuri said and shoved him away. He stumbled but regained his balance.

"You can't stay here" Tony said.
"I'll stay as long as I need too"  Shuri said and walked pass Tony to the living room and plopped herself on the couch. It was silent and tense but Clint broke the silence.  "....rematch?" Clint asked. He walked over and took a controller. He glanced at Shuri but quickly looked away when she noticed him looking.

  After a little into the match Shuri got up and marched over to where he saw Tony was. He heard them talking low. "Who exactly is the boy?" Shuri asked. "Well glad you didn't threaten to blast me before asking" Tony replied. "And he's the boy we've been texting in the group chat. His name is Peter" Tony said. "So you roped him into this interning, I'm guessing" Shuri said. "I wouldn't say roped" Tony said. "He certainly doesn't look like a person who applied and in awe of being with the Avengers. He seems uncomfortable. Any reasons?" Shuri asked almost interrogating. "Fine we hooked him up with the interning. And he's uncomfortable because he's been noticing the small things we do to get to know him better. But he still doesn't know who he's texting." Tony explained. 

  If only Tony knew he found out a little bit ago. How will all this turn out? How can he hide the fact he's Spider-Man? Could he hide it? All the questions filling his mind but he put them to the side to continue listening.

  "Well what will you do when he finds out?" Shuri asked. "You mean if" Tony said. "No, when. He will eventually find out and you don't want that but you can't keep this up." Shuri said. Tony sighed "I'm worried what'll happen when he does. Will he want to continue coming here or wouldn't want anything to do with us." Tony said.

   "The longer you keep this up the longer the build up to the final moment and when he finds out it could actually hurt him. To find out who you are, that you've been deceiving him, manipulating him to get closer to him. It could break him if you let it go on for too long." Shuri said. Then he heard her walk off.

  Well guess it's a good thing he found out this soon looking back on how he reacted, if it lasted longer he doesn't know how he could have reacted. And he doesn't want to know. He directed his full attention back to the game.

   As they finished the game he saw Shuri walking away to the elevator. He looked back to see Clint having a small argument with Pietro. He looked around to see everyone busy with someone else. He followed Shuri. He asked what floor Shuri went to when he got in the elevator and Friday raised the elevator to the roof.

  He walked out to see Shuri sitting on the edge legs dangling off. He walked up to her and sat next to her. She raised a brow. "Thought you'd be afraid of me after my entrance." Shuri said. He shrugged "not the first time I've had a dangerous weapon to my head." He said low and calm. He saw Shuri look at him surprised. "It's New York, dangerous people, robots, and aliens. I've had my fair share of being in dangerous situations. I don't know if you noticed but I was calm while you held that blaster to my head." He explained looking out on the city.

   "Sorry I had to hold the blaster to your head I was angry at them for attacking Spider-Man" Shuri apologized. He nodded "yeah it was all over the news, I was hesitant to intern here because of it." He said, it technically wasn't a lie but he didn't watch the news he didn't need to he was there, HE was attacked.

   He looks at the horizon, it wasn't near sunset but it was still breath taking looking out at this height. "Have you've noticed them doing any strange things?" Shuri asked. He smiled "it may sound crazy but I swear they are trying to get close to me. They talk as if they memorized a script and they buy new stuff like a board game to see if I wanna play it instead of just showing me what games that already have. And I haven't even done a whole days work in the week I've been here. We just go to the penthouse with the rest." He said and he saw Shuri nod.
Then a thought entered his mind.

Should he tell Shuri that he's Spider-Man?

Another cliff hanger. So I've been busy and at the end of that day having no idea or inspiration to write but after all this crap is over I can get back to my normal life and back to my somewhat updating schedule.

On another note I had the best dream. Tony and Peter singing to each other when they see each other in the compound. And it was a song my brain actually came up with because I nevwoke up freaking laughing.

I hope you all Enjoyed and Thanks for reading!

 1,065 words


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