Fresh Air Helps

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Hey so not much to say just that I would get to the FFH portion of the book sooner, but I've noticed a lot of people wanted a lot more of Harry and I agreed he could use much more development in the story. Enjoy!


Harry :)

He knew this this rooftop was in the few blocks Peter visits often. There was a fresh breeze signaling spring coming. Just right around the corner. And it seems his friend was the same. 

He first saw the web then him flying through the air. As Peter flung himself up, he did a spin, and they made a split-second eye contact. Peter's body kept spinning but his head kept locked onto him. 

When Peter started falling a web quickly attached to the building, he was standing on then Peter landed next to him. 

"Hey Harry." Peter said in a light tone. God are they really still on eggshells. Was Peter over-thinking the fight?

"Hey Pete" he said with a smirk to get Peter to not be so shy around him. As if they were strangers. It seemed to work.

"So, what're you doing here at... 11:44 pm?" Peter asked. 

"I think that's an obvious question, but I'll humor you. I came to chat." He explained taking a seat near the edge. 

"Just.. chat?" Peter asked taking a seat too. 

"Yeah, our chats are always nice. We used to talk all the time." He chuckled. 

"How's it going?" Peter begun. And it was already challenging for him. Is Peter asking about his mental state or just life. It'd be reasonable to ask about his mental state because he did wait on a rooftop late at night for him, but Peter isn't one to be so direct-

"Just uh life, how's life? Or the business?" Peter added. He just smirked at Peter who could read his mind. 

"Oscorp is fine, only legal experiments. Life has been better, but I'm not going mad. I've actually done a little tinkering around with some previous inventions." He touched all the main points he knows Peter wanted to know. Peter nodded satisfied. 

"That reminds me, I've done some tinkering myself and" He showed his webshooter on his wrist. 

"I've got multiple web combinations, like this is web grenade." Peter then aimed his wrist at the ground a few meters away and it exploded in webbing. 

"I also have tazer webs, ricochet webs, and splitter webs." Peter said excited. Then proceeded to show off each one. 

He watched amazed with each one. 

"Cool, isn't it!" Peter said. 

"Very fascinating Peter. I've also noticed a slight upgrade with your friend's mask." He said hinting at Peter to ramble bout whatever he did. Instead of talking about the upgrades he talked about Night directly.

"Yeah, he is a big help. In the battle he took rhino down, rhino! Have you noticed crime rates dropping even more? He is amazing. Not everybody would join me, and he wasn't even asked!" Peter said cheerfully. 

He nodded but all he could hear was Peter praising someone for doing what he does. Peter takes down rhino multiple times, Peter's actions caused crime rates to drop, Peter was never asked to do this. Has anyone who knows Peter ever praised him like Peter is praising Night? He bites his lip.

A silence fell upon them. It lasted for maybe 20 seconds before Peter sighed. 

"I keep thinking back to that night. I've kept blaming myself for it." Peter said quietly and the wind almost took the words before he could hear them. Blaming himself?

That night he was the one out of line. Why would Peter blame himself?

"I know you two weren't close, but I know his death still affected you greatly. I- I am deeply sorry for what happened. I didn't want or intend for it to happen." Peter said pulling his legs to his chest and resting his chin on a knee. 

o-oh that night. He looked away from Peter. He knows Peter, knows Peter would and could never kill someone intentionally. Yet a part of him was still, angry? unsure? maybe resentful. Not at Peter or even his father. But for the world to kill his father and no doubt traumatize Peter. 

"I'm not mad at you, but for your sake, I forgive you for anything that happened that night.

"I am sorry for going crazy, I am sorry for raising hell that night and punching you." He apologized fighting through his voice giving out. 

"I forgave you the second after it happened.... Getting punched was the best way for you get your anger out." Peter said turning his head to look at him. He doesn't deserve Peter. 

You know, he doesn't know if he feels better about the night he gave in to his thoughts. But he can't sit and mope, Peter certainly hasn't.

"You've been through a lot and letting your feelings out is important, but you need to find a better way to get them out than punching." Peter said. 

He heard and understood the last part, but his mind was caught up in the first part of Peter's sentence. 'I've been through a lot' Me? Two people on this building and one of them sure has a shit load more trauma than the other. Peter always sees others' problems but what about him.

Peter must have gotten an alert in his mask,

"Oh! A break in. Sorry, I gotta go. You should probably head home, it's getting late." Peter rushed out his words. Rising quickly then giving Harry a quick hug and jumping off.

He watched Peter swing away.

What about him. What about Peter. 

He stood there for a minute before turning and walking to the stairs leading down. 

He stepped in something and when he looked down, he saw the webbing. 

He crouched down and took a scoop of webbing. 

Hmm. He looked back to the spot Peter was sitting and a frown formed on his face, it was quickly replaced with a smirk. He walked with a purpose down the stairs. He needed to get to his lab.


So for Far From Home portion, I'm replacing whoever tf  Brad is because he's useless besides being a plain nuisance. Flash can do that all on his own. Brad was so forgettable in the movie. 

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