Peter's Number

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The Reveal and something else you all want.

He raised his brow at the hammer. "Can I touch it?" He asked thinking it was some ancient weapon Thor used that mortals like them don't touch. "Yes but lifting it is the problem." Tony said with a salty tone.

"Is it heavy?" He asked approaching it. He heard Clint and Sam snort. "Well young Peter, the hammer can only be lifted by ones who are wort-"

Thor was cut off by him picking the hammer up and tossed it from hand to hand "Huh, it's pretty light. Were you guys just messing with me, trying to make me belive it was heavy?" He asked just now looking up at them. He was surprised to see their shocked faces. Shuri was first to speak "HOLY SHIT YOU'RE WORTHY" Shuri shouted as she ran up to him. "Worthy?" He asked turning to look at Thor. Who was also just as shocked. "What is this thing about being worthy?" He asked as he swayed the hammer.

He saw Loki and Natasha smirking knowingly. "I-uh, only ones who are worthy of wielding
Mjölnir (I fucking hate typing that out and then giving up and searching it.) Can lift it. Thor said in shock. He looked at the hammer, his eyes lighting up. "Perfect." He said. Then he leaned over and whispered in Shuri's ear. Her eyes widened and then looked at him mischievously. Loki saw the look and his smirk grew.

"Later" Shuri whispered back and he nodded. "Well anything else you all want me to lift?" He said handing the hammer back to Thor. The rest were still a little shocked. But there was no other suggestions.

As he looked around he saw Groot. He was anxious, or at least what he could tell it was anxious. It's hard to tell what a tree's facial expressions was but he managed. As everyone calmed down from him lifting the hammer he went over to Groot. "Hey Groot got something on your mind?" He asked. "I am Groot" Groot said. He and Shuri were still working on understand and they had made some progress so what he could make out was someone was coming.

"Who?" He asked. "I am Groot" Groot replied. He struggled to understand that so he got Rocket. "He's saying that someone was suppose to come because of some wrong number he got." Rocket said. He nodded, he already knew that's what it was about but he needed to act dumb.

Tony overheard and walked over "I can track the number to find out who it is" Tony offered and Groot perked up hearing that. Groot nodded and showed Tony the number. (I don't think Tony would memorize Peter's number tbh) "Friday" Tony said. "Boss it appears to be Peter Parker's number" Friday announced to the room and everyone looked at him.

Including Shuri sitting right next to him. He grinned and leaned back onto the couch holding his phone showing the same conversation. "I showed up didn't I?" He said. "You are like a fucking magnet for wrong numbers" Clint stated. "I know, it's insane." He said with a goofy grin on his face. "I'm assuming we don't have to introduce each other." He said staring at Groot. Groot smiled and sat next to him and Shuri.

It was currently midnight since the movies. But they planned to do more tomorrow. They have a whole weekend planned and luckily Monday and Tuesday he had no school. Tony had asked if it was ok with his aunt if they could travel. It was ok with aunt may as long as he was back Tuesday. He didn't know where they were going but aunt may seems to know. Tony had probably texted her what it was. And she seemed really happy so it must be a good place.

They were leaving Saturday afternoon so he'll soon learn where they're going. But for now all he was worried about was not passing out on the floor. As they went to their rooms. Yes he actually had his own, star wars/Avengers themed, room. He absolutely loved it. But he couldn't admire it for long before he drifted away.

Just felt in the mood to write a little so made this real quick.
Any guesses where Tony wants to take Peter? It's a popular vacation location in the US.

Guess here.

And yes of course Peter was worthy. If I made him not worthy all of you would probably tear me apart in the comments😆. I hope you all Enjoyed and thanks for reading!

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