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Not Venom and Eddie, sorry. Different venom.




It was a glorious weekend day, swinging around. Feeling the wind flowing around his body as he swung. 

It was daylight so not many crimes were happening, but he still helped people. Lost tourists, taking pictures with people, maybe prevent a crash or two, or three. Lots of crashes. He was there to help. With not too much happening in queens he swung into other areas just to see. 

He landed on a roof and took in the sight of the bustling city. He then looked at the time and decided to get some food. He was close to a place that serves chimichangas. 

They were used to a guy with red mask and white eyes ordering from them, so he had no issue getting food.

He was on a rooftop when he saw Deadpool order food. Once Deadpool got his food he walked to the building he was on and waited. He set his food down and shot a web at Deadpool's shoulders and pulled him up.

"Heyyyyy baby boy" Deadpool greeted him like usual.

"So whatcha doin around my area?" Deadpool asked.

"My area was quiet, so I thought I could swing around other areas. Then I got hungry and went here." He explained to Deadpool.

"Aww, you didn't come here for me?" Deadpool whined. 

"I waited for you here, didn't I?" He said picking his food back up.

They sat on the edge and ate, Deadpool nonstop talking. After some heavy conversations it was nice to have light humorous talk. 

But as he was lost in his thoughts, he didn't happen to notice his gums were tingling with every bite. And wasn't alerted by his spider sense that a certain black gloved hand was nearing his mouth.

It wasn't until he finally saw the hand at the bottom of his eyes, he quickly swallowed his food to talk but when he closed his mouth his tooth hit something. 



It wasn't a tooth. He looked again and his DAMN fang was in Deadpool's hand. His eyes widen as he quickly grabbed Deadpool's hand and yanked it away when he realized Deadpool wasn't moving it.

But once he let go of the hand it fell limp to Deadpool's side. He looked at it worried. 

"cool" Was all Deadpool said as he attempted to lift his arm.

"Cool?! Your arm isn't MOVING!" He shouted now panicking. 

"Oh ship!" Deadpool slurred as half his mouth was smiling and the other was blank. Even one eyelid was lower than the other. 

Deadpool lifted his good arm and touched his face and started playing with his numb lip by flicking it.

He practically slapped the hand away.

"Stop doing that, this is serious. Half of your damn body is limp." He said standing up. 

"I'll be fime" Deadpool said attempting to get up. His heart jumped as Deadpool stumbled over the edge headfirst. 

He webbed Deadpool's ass last second before he went completely over.

"Spibdy~" Deadpool joked even as he was hanging by his ass upside down. 

He webbed Deadpool's good hand and pulled him up that way. Once he got Deadpool up he sat Deadpool down and picked up Deadpool's limp arm. He started prodding the arm.

"Can you feel anything?" He asked. 

"Nope" Deadpool said. Ok, so not good. He then starting poking and pinching Deadpool's face.

"Is your tounge also numb?" He asked. Deadpool answered by sticking his tounge out. 

"Ok let's find where the numbness starts to end" He explained to Deadpool, then he started slowly move his hand across Deadpool's face still pinching and poking until Deadpool's winced. 

"Damm why you gotta pimch so hard" Deadpool whined. He wasn't pinching that hard, was he? he looked back only to see quickly healing bruises. Oh, yeah. The strength. He forgot to dial it back, he was trying to get any reaction out of Deadpool. 

"Ok so it ends a around your left nostril. I should really research this." He mumbled the last part. 

"Waift" Deadpool said while slowly lifting his fingers then his hand. 

"Regeneration" Deadpool laughed as he talked clearly. 

"How fast do you regenerate?" He asked. 

"Fast, I regenerated my hand over night" Deadpool answered. 

"So, your regeneration must've stopped the venom but not fast enough to stop it from reaching your body. Then it worked on getting rid of the venom. The question is how long this venom would work on a normal person?" He thought out loud. He was surely not going to bite someone in the name of science. Ned would probably volunteer for it. If he told others they'd definitely want to research it. 

It's just venom, venom probably strong enough to paralyze a full-grown man for a while. As long as he doesn't bite anyone else this should be fine. No need to get worked up about it or worry the Avengers. 

When he looked back to Deadpool's face half covered by the mask he saw the bruises had healed. 

He needs a sample of this venom and bring it to the lab to test. 

As long as this venom isn't deadly, he could maybe use it to his advantage. In desperate times of course because he isn't about to go around biting people. Imagine the headlines.

"Spider-Man Sexually Assaulting Criminals!"

"Hickeys Found on Thieves!" 

Deadpool finally got up off his ass, which still had web on it because he sure as hell wasn't about to rip it off.

"You ok?" He asked. Deadpool smiled.

"I'd be even better if you could oh so kindly remove the shit off my ass." Deadpool then turned and bent showing his ass. 

"I will web your ass to this roof if you don't turn back around." he threatened with a huff. 

"Enjoyed the view at least?" Deadpool joked. 

He jumped off the edge. 

"Bye Baby Boy!" Deadpool said waving at him. 


So, should I introduce Eddie and Venom and have a few more chapters, or get to the main plot soon?

All up to you, I'm willing to write it but I'm also thinking you guys are getting tired of such a long book.

I hope you all Enjoyed and thanks for reading!

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