13 | Yes No

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'FaceTime call from Matt the brat' my phone rang.

"Hey" I stood my phone against a book on my desk.

"Did you finish your homework?" He asked.

"Yeah, what about you?" I asked in return.

"Haven't even started" he said putting his arms behind his head and leaned back in his desk chair.

"Matt it's 11 at night when are you going to start-"

"I was kidding, I already finished" he grinned into the camera.

"So when and where do you want to do the photography assignment?" He asked.

"Umm can you do it Saturday?" I asked.

"No" he replied.

"No?" I asked.





"Yes no"

"Matt I don't understand" I told him.

"No Jessica, Saturday will not work" he said.

"Why?" I pouted.

"Reasons" he said refusing to tell me.

"Aww please tell me?" I whined.

"Nope" he shook his head.

"Fine" I sighed.

"Hey I have those same glasses!" I referred to the sunglasses sitting on his bed.

"Oh these?" He asked and brought them over.

"Yeah! Except" I paused.

"Except what?" He played with the sunglasses in his hands.

"Except I look better in them than you do" I finished.

"Oh really?" He smirked.

"Yes really" I said grabbing mine off my desk and put them on.

"You look cute in them but I look better" he said putting them on with one hand while hold his phone with the other. As he was putting them on his aim was a little off and he ended up poking his eye.

"Aww fu-"

"MATTHEW!" I scolded him.

"But it hurts" he held his hand over his eye. "Will I have to wear an eye patch and become a pirate now?" He asked me.

"What the- no just get a cold cloth and put it over your eye" I told him.

"Ok goodnight Jessica" he said.

"Night matt"


I took deep breathes as I rode through the neighborhood on my penny board. If I wake up early enough I can actually get myself together and ride to school. I placed the pennyboard in my locker and went to math class.

"Hey JP! What's up?" Spencer walked into class.

"It's only Tuesday and I want it to be Friday" I told him.




Lol just kidding keep reading


"Me too, but this week should hopefully go by fast" he told me.

"Greetings earthlings" matt walked in and sat next to us.

"Hey" we both replied.

"Well I see you're not a pirate" I told matt and Spencer looked at me like I had a screw loose. "Long story" I told him.

"Yeah well I'm a big boy" matt said.

"Good morning class lets get out the texts books and turn to page 281." Our math teacher came in the room wasting no time.


It was the end of the day and I was really excited. As I mentioned before I ride horses and every Tuesday I go to the barn and take a lesson.

"Hey Jess!" Alex walked over with drake.

"Hey guys!" I waved.

"Are you going horseback riding today?" Drake asked.


"can I come with?" Alex pleaded.

"Why not" I shrugged.

"Yay I love your horse he's so nice" she exclaimed which made me laugh. We said bye to drake and my mom picked us up.

"Hey guys how was school?" My mom asked us.

"It was boring as usual" Alex said and my mom laughed.

"I hope you're actually learning stuff in school" she joked around.

"We are" I told her even though Alex was probably thinking otherwise.


A/N: Sorry I haven't updated in so long guys! I tried last week, but I was very busy.

I'm now on spring vacation so expect updates soon :)

QOTD: What's currently your favorite song?

Happy Matturday everyone, go watch Matt's new video whenever it comes out today!

Love you guys xoxo

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