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I'm horrible with letters, I don't even know what I'm doing right now. My hand is just writing words. Okay I really wish I wrote in pencil, but that's not the point!

I'm just gonna get right to the point because if I don't well who knows how long this letter will be. The point is that I really like you and I was wondering if you would maybe be my girlfriend? See I told you that I was bad at writing notes, but what do ya say? :)

Oh it's Matthew by the way.


Ok bye.

"Well?" Matt have a nervous smile on his face.

"I umm, can you give me some time to think about it," I softly asked.

"Yeah, of course," he looked down at his shoes. "I think I should go. Burnie probably needs to be fed," he said and walked out.

"Ugh," I flopped onto the couch. "Why didn't you just say yes? Wait, why am I talking to myself?"

I walked upstairs to grab my phone before proceeding to text Zoe and Alex.

Jessica: I need your opinions..

Alex: what's up ?

Jessica: Matt asked me to be his girlfriend, but I said I needed time. But I don't know what to say to him.

Zoe: Go out with the boy!

Alex: don't you want to go out with him?

Jessica: I don't know maybe?


Alex: give Matt a chance I think he's worth your worries.

Zoe: he better be

Jessica: okay thanks guys

Alex: no problem

I started to think to myself. Do I like Matt? He's a nice guy, he's funny, weird, lazy, clumsy- wait that's me. I really want to be in a relationship, but ever girl I meet always tells me not to. "Boys are stupid," they say. I don't know about that. I mean yeah, I've come across many immature boys and some stupid ones too. Although Matt doesn't seem like that kind of person. Maybe I should give this a try. I think I'm going to say yes to Matt.

*the next day*

Four mid-terms down, one to go and then winter break.

I was walking back to the commons when I saw Matt by his locker. I guess it's now or never right? I walked up behind him and put my hand over his eyes.

"Why is it all dark?" I felt Matt's eyelashes blink under my hands. He turned around and smiled. "Hi."


"Yes what? Ohh wait yes to," Matt trailed off.

"Yes," I nodded, a smile creeping upon my face as big as Matt's.

"Finally," Matt embraced me in a big hug. Wow, my first boyfriend.

"Eww new couples," I turned around to see Drake, Spencer, Alex and Zoe. All of them with a smirk or smile on their faces.

"We're cute and you all know it," Matt sassed.

"Yeah yeah just keep it PG," Zoe joked around.

"Alright, alright enough with that," I felt my cheeks turn red.

"What are you doing later today," Alex asked me.

"Going to go see Boss and then study for our last mid-term," I put emphasis on the word last.

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow then and we can have a girls day," Alex gave me a hug before leaving with Zoe.

"I have to go to my acting class, but I'll see you tomorrow," Matt said before leaving.

"I think you two are going to make an adorable couple," Drake tapped my nose and grinned.

"We'll see," I rolled my eyes.

"I'll see you later by guys," Drake walked away leaving Spencer and I still in the commons.

"If he hurts you I'll hurt him," Spencer told me now that everyone else left.

"I'm sure you won't have to do that, but thank you."

"No problem, I'll see you tomorrow after finals?"

"Yup! Bye," I waved before walking out of the building.

I got in my car and drove to the barn. I feel like it's been forever since I've seen Boss, but in reality it's only been three days. I practically jumped out of my car and into the barn in excitement.

Once I took my tack out by a pair of cross ties, I went to grab Boss.

"Hey B," I picked up Boss' halter and walked into his stall. "I have a boyfriend," I randomly said to him as a smile came upon my face. Boss just looked at me trying to figure out of I had any treats.


Okay back to the chapter)

"Not into the dating life huh?" I fished for a lead rope and attached it to his halter. Again he just looked at me for treats. "You haven't done a single thing yet, why are you looking at me like that?"

I swear non-horse people don't understand the bond between a horse and rider. I see my hopes and dreams in his eyes. I see my happiness and success. My pride and joy, but most importantly I see myself. Over the years Boss has tested me and taught me, but most importantly he has brought the best out in me. I like how horses can sense if you're scared of anxious. I don't know how they do it, but it's like they always know how you're going to feel before you know. I love the bond I have made with this animal that knows me better than I do myself. It's such an amazingly weird feeling to put your trust into an animal that can't speak and has a mind of its own, but chooses to love you instead of kill you. The second best feeling is to know that you've gained the trust of this wild animal, because you've both made a friend for life. The best feeling in the world is that I don't have to pretend to be someone I'm not because my horse loves me for who I am. Everyone else should too, but not many people are as wise as a horse.

"Ready for another ride?" I look at Boss and this time he isn't looking for treats, but for endless love. I think. He's still a horse and he could be hungry, but I'll worry about that later.


Hiiii guys !!!1!!!

So it's official! After 30+ chapters and "4 months" Jessica and Matt are finally a couple. What are some good ship names? I'll use it in future chapters :)

Wow this is my last weekend before I start school can you hear me crying? Speaking of starting school, I'm going to change the day that I update Collide to Sundays so I can allow myself more time for better quality chapters during the school year.

What do all of you think of Justin's new song What Do You Mean?

Do you guys think Shawn and Camila are dating? 👀 if so do you ship it?

I hope you guys have a great weekend and I'll update again a week from Sunday :))

Peace out

Okay idk why I just said that, but I'm gonna roll with it so peace out girl scout.

Okay I'm stopping now.


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